Thursday, March 10, 2011

Essay 3

There are sooo man social issues to choose from, wow. I am still undecided about what I am going to write for the essay 3 but I was considering writing about how people use religion as a crutch. And how some people, religious fanatics for example, take religion to the extreme and blow it out of proportion. For example: the church who is protesting all of those military funerals? Yeah those kind of people are the ones who are giving Christians a bad name because that is NOT what being a christian is about!! We are instructed to love everyone.( Love your neighbor as yourself) Everyone. No matter their sexual orientation, or if you don't agree with what they are doing, it doesn't matter. We aren't supposed to judge people at all.( Judge not lest ye be judged) I think what alot of Christians do today is take the bible and manipulate what it says to make what they are doing okay. On another note, being a Christian is not about forcing our religion down everybody's throat. If somebody doesn't want to listen, that is completely up to them, its their decision. We're not supposed to judge people for any reason. We were put on this earth to spread the gospel of christ, yes, but if somebody is unwilling to listen I think that it is up to them whether or not they want to believe, because in the end the truth will be made known. "Every knee will bow and tongue confess.."philippians 2:10,11. Anywayyysss I got off on a different tangent there. I'm tired of christians misusing the name of Christ and saying "God hates this" and "God hates that" because none of that is true. God loves all. God is love. I know this is a touchy subject and I would like to know what people think. But so far I think this is what my essay 3 will be on.


michelle said...

good topic it will be a hard one but i think you are on the right track you have already peaked my interest. religion should be a choice, and you are right about it being preached by people who dont know what they are talking about. everybody should be treated equally. so good luck.

CRivard said...

I think this is an excellent topic for your paper. I am a Christian myself and agree and have the same complaints that you have. The millitary funeral protests are absolutely absurd. And you're right, it definently does give Christianity a bad name. This is a touchy subject but, that's what makes it a social issue therefore I think it's going to make a great paper. Good Luck =)