For essay 4 I am reviewing the issue of capital punishment. I believe in capital punishment and think that it is an acceptable form of punishment for some criminals. In the Green Mile, the entire book was centered on death row and prisoners who were going to be put to death. However, in the Green Mile prisoners were executed in an electric chair which seems like a cruel death. Today we have a lethal injection that is less painful. There are so many different views of capital punishment and whether it’s wrong or right; I will focus on why I believe its justified for some criminal cases.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
Essay # 4- Dolores Claiborne-second post.
This novel is the true live for some people that had been grown up with this issues, that never going to forget domestic abuse and an alcoholic member of the family. You can change your life, be succesful, do not copy of those bad things.
Ideas Essay # 4- Dolores Claiborne
Dolores Claiborne was a brave girl, because she take care of an elderly woman arrogant, wealthy and very sick, Vera .Dolores suffered a lot of domestic abuse, verbal, psychologically, and physical. Also, she discovered from her daughter that her own husband raped Selena. Her husband was an alcoholic, of course was a dysfunctional family, but why she did not acused him to the police? I think she took the revange about her daughter, Dolores was so painful and tired of her miserable life, she do not care about the consecuenses.
Essay #4 and social issues brought about by Dolores Claiborne
Dolores Claiborne brought several very serious social issues to the surface. Just to name a few: Domestic Abuse, Child Abuse, Elderly Abuse, Child Molestation, Alcoholism, Theft, Fraud, Muder. I think that for Essay #4 I have decided to write about Sex Offenders and the punishment they do and DO NOT recieve. Too many of these people are given a slap on the hand and are repeating offenders. If for some reason I change my mind I'm thinking about Elderly Abuse which is a very widespread that many have to deal with.
Essay 4 Ideas
I am going to write a position/argument paper. My thesis is that people should not be too depends on the computer. In today world, computer is everywhere. People can get acess to the computer easily. Even a person doesn't own a computer, he or she can use it in the local library. While computer make our life easier, it also create different problem in our life, especially if we are too depends on it or not pay attention to how we use it. The problems of computer usage can cause are personal data are easier to be stolen, health problem and increasing of verbal bullying. I am trying to find out more points I can write about, on both supporting and opposing views, and the example from the novel.
Blog Ideas for Essay #4
I am going to talk about how people are so caught up in their phones. I read the novel, Cell, by Stephen King. It was not to easy to find any social issues that i could bring up in my essay. However, i am going to talk about how people are acting like zombies because of their cell phones. People are more interested in their own cell phones than other people. It feels like a lot of people rather want to play on their phone, talk to other people through text messaging. Phones purpose is to be able to get in contact with someone far away, however, it feels like the phones are eliminating your social surroundings.
Essay 4 Ideas
For essay 4 i have decided to expand on my essay i did before about communication technology, since it has to do with the book CELL. Instead of a disease that make you kill people, some people believe cell phones can give you problems like cancer and alzheimer's. But not only those problems, but other problems as well like Addiction, sleep loss, Auto Accidents and some Enviromental effects.
Ideas for Essay #4
Well I have been reading The Cell and i need to write a paper over the issues in this book. I can only think of a couple topics i could write about and they are Telepathy, Technology, and survival in catistrophic events. Actually i think i might write about survival in catistrophic events. they is probably more research and facts on that. Plus it could be a intersting paper. I've been watching this show on t.v that tells you what would happen if we got hit with a nuclear bomb and or natural diasters. I am very insterested in things like that so i think i just found my topic!
ideas essay 4
I was thinking about writing about how people take actions of law into their own hands. From the novel that I just read, the woman had killed her husband for harming their daughter. I understand why she did it but taking matters of law into your own hands is not justice. The idea I have for essay four is to write about how people kill or harm others that do wrong.
essay 4 ideas
For this essay I am reading the green mile and the 2 major issues I have to choose from is racism and police brutality. Both issues are still common in present day, I am leaning towered police brutality….how in the green mile the guards are always beating up on the prisoners. The guards should be responsible enough to control themselves since they are the law in the jail. They can almost get away with it in the prison system how it is now. I haven’t really decided on how I am going to drag it out to be 6 to 8 pages though. Any ideas for how to drag it out and turn it into an interesting paper?
Essay 4 ideas
In this essay I want to tackle the social issue of racism. I want to use examples of sterotypes, segregation, and welfare for my position. I have read the novel the Green Mile and I have gotten a few major examples from the novel for my essay. John Coffey was sterotyped by his race and had no help in his case.
Essay 4 Ideas
At first I was drawing a blank about what I could write about that at least had some vague relevance to my novel but when I had my novel discussion I got a few ideas. We're reading The Green Mile and one of the ideas that came to mind was racism. Racism is in several areas in the book because it's based on the early 1900's during or at least around the Great Depression. Racism is still a relevant issue in today's world as well. It would probably be a fairly easy topic to work with. Another idea is the right to a fair trial. In the book, John Coffey's court decision was practically an open and shut case with hardly an idea of "innocent until proven guilty". I will have to decide on what to use soon but at least it's a start.
Misery #5
Paul realizes that after Annie kills the cop, she seems almost sane. Although Paul's leg was severed, when Annie picked him up over her shoulder both legs dangled from still being broken. Annie plans to leave Paul in what he thinks is an alley. All he knows is that it is very dark. Annie was going to get rid of the police car by hiding it in the hills, but she couldn't take Paul with her because she would have no way to get him back down from the hills. Instead she puts him in the cellar. Another cop comes to the house, and Paul warns them that Annie might be dead. If she isn't dead, then they need to be careful because she is very dangerous. Paul was the one who ended up putting her to her death. In the very end, Paul is in his hotel room re-reading his manuscript and going over his story. Paul is a survivor.
Novel #5 Cell
They figure out that a computer virus of some sort made the "Zombies". They figure out that the zombies can float. They make it to Kashwak, there is a bomb on the bus. They get Jordan to get the bus and drive it into the crowd of people, and they use the phone to activate the bomb and blow up all the crazie people. Clay starts to walk and look for his son. He finds him sitting at a bus stop and he realizes he is a zombie. Clay takes Jhonny to a place to feed him and bathe him. Clay tries to use the phone to turn Jhonny back to normal. then the book ends. Some social issues would be that there are survival issues, and communications. By Sally Forsell, Joshua Li, Niklas Andersson, Jorge Rios
Dolores claiborne 5
In the end of the novel Dolores Claiborne, her youngest son Pete is killed in an explosion. The people of Little Tall Island try scare Dolores from the island because people keep dying. They know that she killed her husband and when Vera died they think she killed her. Dolores was the sole beneficiary of Vera’s will. Dolores received thirty million dollars after the legal fees and all the rest of Vera’s possessions. Towards the final pages of the novel, Dolores thinks about her life on the island and they finish interrogating her.
Essay 4 Based on Misery
To be alone is a sad thing. Whether by choice or by terrible luck, when we are alone we feel helpless. It takes the form of a crushing hand grasping you by the heart threatening to wrench it from your chest to punish you for your foolhardiness. A person, regardless of whether they are a strong willed individual or a weak one, needs to be able to lean on someone every once in a while. Constant solitude brings about a form of thinking that is harmful to everyone around us, regardless of whether we love or hate them. When someone finally comes along to help offload everything you’ve built up, you cling to them desperately, praying they won’t leave you alone again to wallow in your doubt and self pity. To be part of something is an uplifting experience. When you find something you are able to be a part of, all that doubt and pity wash away and your soul feels free. A confidence will start to build a sort of support in yourself that when people go away you can cling to and know, eventually, there will be others to help you. In the event that no one comes to your aid, you’ll lash out violently. It may not be physical violence, but you could say something out of spite that you know will hurt someone worse than a thrown punch could. Emotionally you become detached, unable to be reached by anything except what you obsess over. When finally you have what you crave in your grasp you hurt it. You make it feel the pain you’ve felt, forcing it to deal with the pain of being alone, the joy of being a part of something, and then the coldness that spreads when the circle completes and you are alone again.
Essay 4
For my essay #4 I am going to have to pick a new topic. None of my topics for Essays 1-3 have any relation to social issues in the book Misery. My first two Essays were on the topic of technology in the medical field. My essay 3 was on mandatory HIV testing. The social issues raised in Misery are mental illness, the failure of our justice system, survival instincts, and post traumatic stress. In my novel one of the main characters was a nurse but I just don't see how the topic "is technology beneficial or detrimental in the medical field," an actual social issue raised. The failure of our justice system would give me a lot to write about because there are so many people that don't go to jail when they should have. There are also those that go to jail but don't get a long enough sentence, get out, repeat the crime or commit a different one, go back, get out, and repeat the same pattern. This just causes there to be more and more victims. Survival instincts would be something interesting for me to research. It can be amazing what people will do to survive. I recently watched the movie "127 Hours" which was based on a true story. A man was rock climing and fell into a hole where his arm was caught underneath a bolder. This man stayed there for about 5 days before he broke his own arm and cut it off with a dull pocket knife. I don't think I would ever be able to do this! You never know what you would do to survive if your life actually depended on it. Post traumatic stress syndrome would also make for interesting research. I am going to chose one of these three but I have not made my final decision yet.
Essay 4 Scramble
As of right now, my only idea for essay 4 would be to either extend on my second essay or to write about one man starting a dictatorship like in the book that we're reading in class. The only problen with extending on my first essay is I've already used most of my ideas in the paper already. I might consider broadening the topic of Gambling in Texas to Gambling worldwide to fit more information into the essay. On the other hand, Under the Dome has a good conflict of a man who tries to take an entire town over a time of crisis. I'm pretty sure most of the people can relate to the subject, but its alot to fit in a six page paper. I'm to indecisive and haven't made up my mind on what to write about. It just seems so much easier to write one page rather than six.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Ideas for essay 4
My novel of choice was Dolores Claiborne. Theres a ton of different issues in this novel so it makes it sort of easy to pick. I'm leaning more towards the spousal and child abuse. It's an interesting topic and it is something real that happens all the time, unfortunatly. I wrote about domestic abuse in my essay 3 and i enjoyed looking into the facts about it and what there is to do to help, so I'm sure this topic will be just as interesting to me.
Under The Dome #4
Andy Sanders has been thinking of his dead family and doesn't want to resort to killing himself, so he tries to find an alternate solution. A group of people, mainly Rust Everett, go down to the funeral home to investigate ther murders of several people. Rusty finds that Lester Coggins head had lumps with stitches that looked as though it were from a baseball that he had noticed in Jim Rennie's house. Rusty could also prove that Barbie is innocent through the time in wich Brenda Perkins was last seen on the day of the food riot. Rusty confronted Big Jim about the murder victims and how he knew what he had done, but Big Jim had officers waiting to have him arrested. Big Jim had Julia Shumway's Democrat press office burned to the ground, and also had some of the officers on a loud speakers framing Barbie's friends for doing so. Andy Sander's makes plans for the Chef to kill him, but actually makes friends and ends up smoking meth with him and following what the Chefs plans are. A group of people plan to break Barbie and Rusty out of jail before Big Jim executes them. Before Rusty had gotten sent to jail he and few other people went to go find the genorater or source to the dome. What he found was a strange box that had radiation from a distance but not up close to the source, and he thinks it's powering the dome. Many of the members of the town are grouping up with the cops and Big Jim. Colonel Cox calls Big Jim to tell him there is a press conference regarding his actions and threatens to put him in jail when the dome is gone unless he gives up his power, but Big Jim pays no attention to him. Junior has some trouble gaining conciousness and gets sent to the hospital and finds out he has a brain tumor. A huge Airplane crashes into the dome because someone forgot to re-program the computer to an alternate route. Colonel Cox holds a press conference previous of the one thats at the dome, regarding the press conference at the dome and a few other questions. A group of people are going to make a prison break for Barbie and Rusty with one of Big Jim's Old vans at the car lot, and they plan to hide them out at the generator of the dome. Andrea ends up finally finding the VADER file that Brenda left at her house the day she died. Jim Rennie needs some propane from Chef who wo'nt give it to him, so he arranges to go to war with them to get propane, meanwhile the rest of the town would be at the press conference. Social Issues: Slander, Suicide, Dictatorship, Blackmail
Essay 4 for the novel
My novel is about 'Misery' and the name speak for its self. My essay four seem to be leaning onto expanding essay three. A major issue written in the essay 3 was the abuse of children in a domestic violence of a home. They are torn in the objective meaning of the word mother and father. In the novel it has a similar characteristics except that it only involves the victim and abuser. It would reflect how the different mines of people in coping with reality, and the survival instinct to live regardless of the circumstances . Annie, she has a need to kill and heal the people needed to help, being she was in the nurse profession. As for Paul, he is more focus in surviving to finish a book regardless knowing he could die after the novel is done. Then he does little things in between to be ready for confrontation and to stay alive to get out.
Ideas for Essay 4
I am not sure what I am going to make my essay 4 about yet. My novel was Dolores Claiborne and its not like there aren't a ton of social issues in that novel, I am just not sure which I am going to pick. I thought about going with like alcaholism or spousal abuse but both of those issues seem to common or too easy to pick and while both of them would be easy to write about and easy to find sources, I don't think it would be interesting to read about it. Again. So with that said I am leaning towards writing my essay on the social issues dealing with elderly abuse in nursing homes and elderly abuse with caretakers. I know that also is an overused subject as well but I think it will be more interesting for me to research because I personally do not know alot on the subject myself. While Dolores didn't abuse Vera,( it was more the other way around) it still brought to my mind that particular issue, so that I believe, is what I will be writing my essay on. I might throw in a couple more issues also.
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