Monday, April 11, 2011

Essay 4

For my essay #4 I am going to have to pick a new topic. None of my topics for Essays 1-3 have any relation to social issues in the book Misery. My first two Essays were on the topic of technology in the medical field. My essay 3 was on mandatory HIV testing. The social issues raised in Misery are mental illness, the failure of our justice system, survival instincts, and post traumatic stress. In my novel one of the main characters was a nurse but I just don't see how the topic "is technology beneficial or detrimental in the medical field," an actual social issue raised. The failure of our justice system would give me a lot to write about because there are so many people that don't go to jail when they should have. There are also those that go to jail but don't get a long enough sentence, get out, repeat the crime or commit a different one, go back, get out, and repeat the same pattern. This just causes there to be more and more victims. Survival instincts would be something interesting for me to research. It can be amazing what people will do to survive. I recently watched the movie "127 Hours" which was based on a true story. A man was rock climing and fell into a hole where his arm was caught underneath a bolder. This man stayed there for about 5 days before he broke his own arm and cut it off with a dull pocket knife. I don't think I would ever be able to do this! You never know what you would do to survive if your life actually depended on it. Post traumatic stress syndrome would also make for interesting research. I am going to chose one of these three but I have not made my final decision yet.


ATimm said...

i think the survival instincts paper would be a fun one to write about, and should be easy to get your readers attached. you could have some fun with it and tell their diffrent stories about what they had to do to survive.

Burds Nest said...

The flaws in the justice system would definitly allow you to provide your length requirement. I would touch on what influences decisions made inside the courtroom and decisions made by supreme courts and laws in general. Ie, the protesting groups for human rights, etc.

Anonymous said...

these are both intersting topics. the failurs in our judicial system would give you a lot to write about. theres so many examples to give! good luck and i hope you enjoy writing about whatever choice you make!