Friday, October 15, 2010

Discussion Cell

Kathyrne Killian: The main event that has occurred in Cell is that a “pulse” has been sent through everyone’s cell phones and has made everyone crazy. People that experienced the “pulse” are killing each other, themselves and causing mass destruction. The story is being told by one of the survivors, Clay, and is following his, Tom and Alice’s journey through the aftermath. As far as the story has progressed, these three are the main focus and their tales are tragic. The social issue expressed in this chapter of the novel is cell phone usage. The “pulse” was sent at 3 pm on a normal day and anyone that was on their phones were affected first, then following the mass destruction and confusion, anyone that tried to use a cell phone still experienced the same effect. I believe that King is showing that cell phones could very well be the death of society.

COMMENTS: Kathyrne,
I completely agree with you that in this novel, cell phones are clearly being shown as detrimental and the very death of society. So far I am really liking the story and finding it very interesting and it really keeps my attention. I hope you're liking it also!
- Ashley Pearson

Denver Huff: Cell starts off by introducing a happy man named Clay. After he buys a gift for his girlfriend of a year, he sits and observes the people and things around him. He notices all the people plugged into their cell phones and music devices. Soon for no reason at all these people start to become very violent. Clay soon finds himself trying to avoid all the violence around him and everyone he saw before "the pulse" was killed or killing. Even the sane ones. Now the books is him trying to get out off this situation safely.


Ashley Pearson: The chapter “The Pulse in the novel “Cell,” follows the lives of Clayton Riddell, Thomas McCourt, and Alice Maxwell. At the beginning of this story, we have Clayton Riddell standing outside of a Mister Softee truck holding his portfolio. As he is standing there, the cell phone of a woman and two girls standing next to him starts to ring. They both answer their cell phones, and at 3:03 PM on the afternoon of October 1, “the pulse” began. What once started out as a normal day for Clay, has now turned into, what is anybody’s, worse nightmare. Suddenly, anybody who was on a cell phone or who had got on one since 3:03 PM, is either trying to kill themselves or kill each other. Clay eventually meets up with a man named Thomas as he is standing outside off of Boylston Street where all panic and chaos is breaking lose. Tom makes the suggestion to Clay that they try to go stay at his hotel just a few blocks away, and that’s where they meet Alice, who is being chased by a “crazy” person. Cell phones are clearly being shown as detrimental in this novel.

The story does keep your attention! It was more grotesque than I had thought it was going to be. I'm glad that you are enjoying the novel and it will keep you interested up until the last sentence. - Kathyrne Killian

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Summary of discussion from group

As I read everyone's reply I cant help but notice that we all are anticipating Annie's next move or mood swing. We wonder when and if Paul will be rescued. If so when and how. We also wonder how will Paul gain a sense of control through his situation.

Dolores Claiborne Group Post 1

The opening scene in Dolores Claiborne takes place in a police station. Dolores is discussing the day's events with two police officers and a stenographer. Vera Donovan, Dolores's longterm employer, is dead, and the police have reason to believe that Mrs. Claiborne had something to do with it.

The first eighty pages cover Dolores's relationship with her employer, her husband, and her actual work life. The reader is first introduced to Frank and Andy, the two police officers taking part in the interrogation. Frank and Andy get no respect from our main character, who has known them since they were children. Dolores begins to tell them all about Vera; her personality, her fears, the way in which she interacts with other people, her bad behavior. Vera was a woman accustomed to always getting her way, and not one to put up with anything less than perfection. However strong-willed she was, she seemed to have admired Dolores for standing her ground against such a notorious personality.

Soon after, Dolores begins speaking about her husband Joe and makes no secret about the state of her married life. Joe was an alcoholic, abusive physically and emotionally. Once she began to dish out the treatment she was getting, things started to take a very small turn upward. We are briefly introduced to her children.

So far, the social issues addressed in the book are domestic abuse, verbal abuse, and a much more severe issue, homicide. When Dolores was married and working for Vera, she had no respite from the anguish that both environments created.

*Novel Group: Robert Dominguez, Amanda Conley, Alyssa Young

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Green Mile Novel Group Post 1

Paul Edgecomb is a lead guard in E hall of the Georgia State Penetinury. John Coffey is described as a 7 foot tall, muscular, HUGE man who was accused of rape and murder of two twin little girls. He was found in a field one morning with the 2 girls in his arms while crying he was too late. The previous night, the 2 girls asked if they could sleep on the front, screened in, porch for the night. Their father said yes, and the next morning found they were gone with the screen door ripped off the hinges. So you can see how they might think John Coffey was the victim. When John Coffey arrives, Paul hears his story, and automatically doesn't think he is innocent. Most of my group has said, they get a sense the man is innocent as well just by reading the beginning of the short story. We come to know a few characters such as Percy, a guard who no one likes but they have to deal with him because he is related to the govenor. Del, is convicted of attempted murder and arson, he also has a pet mouse who he calls Mr. Jingles. Del taught Mr. Jingles tricks, and is also on death row. We are all very eager to finish reading our novel and enjoy it very much!

The Green Mile Discussion 1

The Green Mile is based in the death row unit in a Georgia state penitentiary and is told by a man named Paul Edgecomb. Paul is the captain in the E Block also known as the "green mile" because the floors are green. Paul seems to have a very bad urinary infection, which causes him horrible pain every time he uses the restroom. He tells the reader about some of the past prisoners, the current prisoners, the crimes they have committed and also about the other prison guards he works with. The story seems to focus around a new prisoner, John Coffey.

It's the fall of 1932 and John Coffey is new to the E Block. John Coffey is described an almost 7 foot tall, muscular African American man. John is sentenced to die in the electric chair, better know as "Old Sparky" for the rape and murder of two young twin girls that he has been accused of murdering. When the girls' brother discovers they are missing, his father and himself immediately grab their guns and set out to try to find the girls. The sheriff and a few men from the town, along with a dog, join them. They eventually find John Coffey holding the girls in each of his arms and crying that he was too late. He is arrested and eventually ends up in the E Block. Paul seems to take a special interest in John Coffey and does some research on his alleged crime. Paul gives the impression that he doesn't believe John Coffey could commit such a terrible crime.

Del is another inmate in the green mile convicted of arson and murder. He has a pet mouse named Mr. Jingles that he has trained to do tricks. Paul also tells of "Billy the Kid", an inmate expected to arrive on "the green mile" soon that seems to be a "problem".

Percy Wetmore is a new guard to the green mile and he is a complete jerk. No one likes him, including the other officers, but he his related to the governor so the they have to take his crap. He seems to be an insecure man that gets satisfaction out of having some sort of authority.Brutal is another prison officer that works in the green mile. Paul also talks about the Warden and his wife Melinda, who has been very sick lately. They are not exactly sure what is wrong with Melinda, but she seems to be getting worse.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Misery Post 1

Our novel group feels that Annie is a disturbed woman and that she identifies with Paul's character Misery. We all feel that Annie has an obsession with this character, and that she has an obsession with Paul due to the way she treats him and doesn't want him to leave. We also agree that Paul is being treated like a prisoner by her, and that she is very hot-tempered. Annie is very selfish. We all feel that it is crazy how she got so angry with Paul and punished him by abandoning him and not feeding him or giving him his pain medication because he killed off Misery in his last book. It is obvious that Annie is deranged, and Paul is going through a tremendous amount of pain and suffering in the beginning. Hopefully Paul will be rescued at some point in the novel!

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Green Mile - Discussion One

During the fall of 1932, John Coffey came to the E Block at Cold Mountain State Penintentiary. He was sentenced to death by the electirc chair, better known as "Old Sparky", for the rape and murder of twin little girls. Paul Edgecombe, the head guard on the green mile, tells the story of the time he spent with John Coffey before his death. Some of the social issues in this story deal with racial issues and the death penalty.

by:Jennifer, Chad, Enrique and Twila

Misery Post 1

The main characters of Misery are Paul Sheldon, and Annie Wilkes. At the beginning of the book Paul has gotten into a car accident, and Annie has rescued him. She has forced him to remain in her back bedroom as a prisoner. She has tortured him by giving him scum water, deprived him of medication, and punched his broken legs; whenever she doesn't like what he has said or his new book. All Paul has been thinking about is how to get out, how to escape. He has been careful about what he says, so he won't get Annie into one of her "moods". The social issues are celebrity stalking and imprisonment.
- By Chelsea, Jin, Stella

Cell characters and social issues

Cell: chatacters and plot, so far.

Clay is a comic book artist who just hit it big with a comic. Tom a man that clay meets on the street while the city goes nuts.

Clay had just bought a present for his wife and decided to get some icecream and the city goes nutz and everyone starts to attack one another.

Daniel Vaughn
Ashley Groves
Raquel Rojas

novel group discussion(delores claiborne)

the main charcater in this novel is Delores claiborne they also mention other names such as Vera Donovan, two oloice officers , they also mention her husband Joe.
Ms claiborne is being interigated for the the murder of ms .donovan which is a bedridden lady that ms. claiborne provided for. ms claiborne admits that she did murder her husband but she didnt kill ms. donovan although sometimes she wanted to. Delores is just giving the police the entitre run down of her life events up unto the point where ms. donovan dies and her husband is murdered. we have'nt recognize any social issues thus far.

group members: casey smith, josh negron, keeara thompson

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Essay #2

I wrote about how technoloy is beneficial and how it has improved over the years. if you think about it imagine how much your daily roles consist of the use of technology. i've also written how it can be detrimental in ways although im more on the beneficial side.