Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Essay 5 Ideas

For my essay 5 I want to write about Paul Edgecomb. He is such an interesting character in the green mile. He is able to look past John Coffey’s shell and see what he really is on the inside. He is the boss on the green mile, and has the ability to be a complete and total jerk to all the prisoners. I mean who are the prisoners going to complain too? They are on the Green Mile for a reason and I doubt that anyone would take action on their complaints. However, Paul goes out of his way to ensure that the prisoners are taken care of and are not treated badly despite the horrifying crimes that they have committed. Furthermore, Paul and the other guards risk their jobs and break the law to get John Coffey to see Melinda and have her healed. He risked everything to save his bosses wife. That compassion he has to do good is so deep and honest. Never the less, out of all the guards on the Green Mile he is the one who has personally electrocuted the most prisoners. Paul is only doing his job and granted these men are guilty criminals that have been sentenced to die, but it still takes a lot out of someone to be the one responsible for killing these criminals. I think there are several aspects to Paul Edgecomb and think he is a truly fascinating character.

John or Paul?

I haven’t deiced who I want to write my essay about. It would have to either be Paul Edgecomb or John Coffey. I believe they are both the best characters in The Green Mile and they both stand for something beyond a normal character. Paul Edgecomb is pretty much the peace keeper for the green mile. He is kind-hearted and does his job with good morals. He witnesses John Coffey’s miracles and finds a way to save the life of his boss’s wife because he thought she didn’t deserve to die the way she was. John Coffey seems to be a gentle giant who is scared of the dark and cries a lot. This may be because he has a kind heart just like Paul. He seems to be the incent person who was trying to do the right thing maybe by saving the girls but got judged wrongly thinking that he hurt the girls. I think writing about John would be something good but also writing about Paul would be good as well.

Coffey or Edgecomb?

Ideas for Essay 5

I think I will be writing my essay 5 character analysis on Lester Billings from Stephen Kings short story The Boogeyman because that story had the biggest effect on me. Haha it made me scared. But my real issue is why he couldn't get in there and save his children! I can't understand that. And wouldn't he have gotten the hint after the first child passed away? So anyways this is what I'll be writing about and I might to a compare and contrast essay but I'm not sure yet.

Essay #5- Paul

I decided to do my character analysis on Paul Edgecomb. I know that mostly everyone is going to pick that character, but probably because he is one of the main ones. I picked Paul because the way that his life was affected by John Coffey made the whole plot of the movie. I chose Paul because it is easy to tell how he is most affected when Coffey shows up to the mile. Paul is the first to find out about Coffey’s power to heal. The movie starts off with Paul and his urinary issues, but as Coffey moves into the mile, not only Paul’s, but everyone’s lives get affected by just one person. I will be basically writing about how Paul’s life is influenced by all the good that Coffey has done. As Paul continues to get to know Coffey, the guards and the cellmates become influenced. Paul goes through many conflicts attempting to help Coffey, such as Percy and his lack of sympathy, and Wild Bill and his mental disabilities. Writing about the conflicts and resolutions of Paul, will in fact be easy, since the whole movie revolves around Paul. I will be mentioning how Coffey is a spiritual example and Paul is guided through his life, even though he is cursed to live a long life without his loved ones.
This should be an easy essay for a final, but it will be difficult to explain specific events of Paul’s life and how they are affected.

Questions? Or Solutions?
I think I shall write this essay about how King portrays Percy much less sympathetically than Del or Coffey. I am thinking of writing about this because I find it interesting that he shows more sympathy for two of the inmates instead of the guard. Throughout the movie, he keeps trying to point towards something, more along the lines of an idea he is trying to get across. The way I see it, Coffey is a gentle soul who can heal people through the grace of God, as Paul believes it. Del, I’m not too sure about, mainly because I haven’t seen the entire movie yet. Percy, as I also see it, is a horrible person who only got the job because of his connections. Percy just wants to make life hell for the inmates, to which Paul disagrees with. In the movie, he breaks Del’s fingers because Paul sent him off of the death row or the “Green Mile” as they called it. Percy finally gets his one wish to set up an electrocution. He purposely doesn’t use the sponge properly, and watches Del writhe in agony during the electrocution and Del even catches on fire before he dies. I thought to do my essay on this topic, because it shows, well at to me it does, that not all death row inmates are horrible people and that not all guards are nice people.

Chances are I will write about something spiritual ofcourse. I'm not going to make Coffey to be a Jesus though. I'd like to just write a short summary about all of the characters and how they worked together. If not I'll write about Coffey. I'll point out how his personality goes with his spiritual power. He seems to be so meek and childish yet he has the power of God to take away powerful negativity. If all people were like Coffey the world would be so much better. This will be the point i'll make.

essay 5

Im thinking of doing the protagonist on the Green Mile movie.It seem that Paul is in a delima on how to handle mister Coffey and his power. He doesnt belive that he is a murder and killed those two girls, but ever one else tells him that he did. He wonder how a gental careing and nice person as John Coffey is how he could do such a thing. He doesnt know what to do about him till the day come when John shows him the truth about what happend to the little girls.

Essay 5

For essay 5 I will be writing about John Coffey from the green mile. I find it ironic that John Coffeys life ended in a similar manner to Christ. He had no wrong in him and was put here to help people but they destroyed him. John Coffeys initials JC match those of Jesus Christ which could point out that Stephen King may have used christianity as a base. John Coffey also chose his own death because he didn't want to stay and deal with the hate in the world. Besides that I will talk about John Coffeys character in general

Essay 5

I am still not sure on what exactly I am going to write about... I know that I should know by now but I still cant decide from writting an essay about exploring more in detail, the relationship that Mr. Jingles had with Delacroix or writting about the antagonist in the film Percy he really was very hateful towards Delacroix and the way he lied and made Delacroix suffer in his execution. Cant decide yet....

Essay 5

I am currently considering writing this essay on the relationship between Mr. Jingles and Delacroix. I found their relationship to be rather interesting. "Dale" as he is nick-named in the story, is a kind-hearted individual that the audience comes to love. Dale is similar to John Coffey in certain ways, but very different from Wild Bill and Percy. I personally enjoyed Dale's character and his interactions with the various other characters in the story. His tragic death is quite upsetting.

However, I am not 100% sure I can accurately analyze Dale and Mr. Jingles. This topic might be a little difficult as Mr. Jingles obviously has no lines to quote. It might be difficult to analyze a mouse...

Any suggestions?


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Annie Wilkes

For my fifth essay, I intend to analyze the character of Annie Wilkes. I think that it is easy to comprehend the motivations of a story's protagonist, (in this case, Paul Sheldon) but it is usually the antagonist that fascinates the reader. Annie's actions are so incongruous with her words and her sometimes childish attitude, it baffles the reader, while still hooking them in, and making them want to know more.

I think it's very possible that Annie quit developing mentally at an early age, and that, while her body continued to grow into a woman, her mind remained stuck in an immature time. Her reasoning for her actions tends toward a very childish understanding of the world, and she has a very self-centered viewpoint. Some of the things she does, she does simply because it is what she wants to do, or because she wants to have something and can make it hers. Other times, she acts in a monstrous way, and explains it away with a very childish logic; for instance, she kills babies as a nurse, to save them the trouble of the world that they'll have to deal with as they get older. This is a very simplistic reasoning, and it seems very much the product of an immature mind coupled with her obvious manic-depressive problems.

I think that it would be very fascinating to continue to study Annie in more detail. She presents such a conundrum: one cannot completely hate her, as one would a cliched evil, mustache-twirling villain. She is pitiable, while still being terrifying and formidable. I think the way that she breaks Paul Sheldon down so effectively is also a terrific point of interest for the character. She has a dominating personality, but lacks the charisma to be truly evil, until the circumstances arise for her to have a captive. She is able to dominate him almost wholly, to the point that he is gibbering when the policemen finally find Paul in his prisoner's room. And yet, I don't think she really has the mental capacity, or the wider view of the world necessary to understand the hurt she is inflicting. She is truly a marvel of a character, and I think that King outdid himself with a true-to-life villain that one can *almost* relate to.

Essay 5

I think I am going to choose Annie Wilkes from the novel Misery to use for my Essay 5. She was seriously crazy and there will be a lot to analyze. She had so many different mood swings that were triggered by things Paul said or simply the rain. The only problem I am having is determining a "reason" for her insanity. King did not give any insight as to why this lady is a fruit loop. Her child hood is not discussed much nor anyother time period in her life that may give the reader a clue. We don't know if she was abused as a child, made fun of in school, had a crazy parent she learned the behavior from, or diagnosed with a mental condition. I can't say that there would be a valid reason to be as crazy as she is but I wish that King had given an answer to this. No motivation for her behavior. I don't know who to compare her to from any of the other stories I have read. I could compare her beliefs to Paul's but I wouldnt have anything to say other than, "she went nuts and Paul thought she was crazy." She felt chopping off Paul's foot with an axe was okay and he didnt. Just seems like a given. All the other stories are so short it seems too complicated to try and analyze a character that I knew for 20 pages. I read the whole novel Misery and had more time to get to know these characters.

Essay Five Ideas

I have a few different ideas for essay number five, the character analysis essay. The first of my two ideas is to compare the points of view presented by Annie and Paul in Stephen King’s novel Misery. Their conflicting viewpoints have one thing in common. Paul thinks (and I agree) that Annie is insane. On the other hand, Annie thinks that she is the only one that can be right and that Paul is insane. The comparison of their viewpoints would prove to be an interesting insight into the effects of a person’s upraising. For my second thought, I considered simply breaking down Annie’s character. The problem presented with this idea is trying to explain why Annie chooses to do what she does. There are many possibilities, but it is impossible to know exactly what King’s reasoning was for writing Annie’s character the way he did. He could have reasoned that she was abused as a child or that she is a psychopath or for any number of reasons. Another idea that crossed my mind was to compare Paul’s character to Catherine Bradbury’s character in “The House on Maple Street”. Whether mentally, physically, or both, Paul and Catherine were both placed in an abusive situation that made escape seem impossible. The difference between these two characters is that Paul builds up the strength to force himself out of the situation. Catherine chose not to defend herself and to give into the hopelessness of the situation in which she was placed. This idea would turn into a paper discussing how much suffering a person must go through in order to turn their doubts and fears into anger and hope. It would also point out how loss and depression can offset a person’s well being and their ability to defend themselves when needed. All in all I do plan on using at least one of the characters from Misery to be analyzed in this essay.

Essay 5 character analysis

For the last essay assignment I am thinking I am going to do a character analysis of Clayton Riddell from The Cell. My reasons for choosing him are pretty simple, I really loved reading The Cell and I think that since I spent more time with this character than any other this semester this should be the easiest character to write about. Clay struggles with many issues and also serves as a mirror of the common man, the reader, allowing us to place ourselves in his position and winder “what would I do?” Clay must choose between his own best interests and those of his child, he also struggles with the concepts of defeat and loss. When reading this book I often marveled at how calm he always seemed to be and how well he was able to process what was happening around him. I immediately thought of all the true life stories you read of people saving others lives and they always say “I just did what had to be done” again and again Clay just always did what had to be done.

Was Clay a hero? That is an interesting question because in reality there weren’t many things that he did that were extraordinarily heroic to be honest. His most heroic act was that he just continued to carry on regardless of how chaotic the world got around him. The astounding cast of supporting characters often did the heavy lifting and without the insight that they provided it is most likely that Clay would never have made it to the end. For those of us that are parents I think we can truly agree and say Clay did what any good parent does, he put him self in harm’s way to take care of his son. What is so heroic about that?