Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I think I shall write this essay about how King portrays Percy much less sympathetically than Del or Coffey. I am thinking of writing about this because I find it interesting that he shows more sympathy for two of the inmates instead of the guard. Throughout the movie, he keeps trying to point towards something, more along the lines of an idea he is trying to get across. The way I see it, Coffey is a gentle soul who can heal people through the grace of God, as Paul believes it. Del, I’m not too sure about, mainly because I haven’t seen the entire movie yet. Percy, as I also see it, is a horrible person who only got the job because of his connections. Percy just wants to make life hell for the inmates, to which Paul disagrees with. In the movie, he breaks Del’s fingers because Paul sent him off of the death row or the “Green Mile” as they called it. Percy finally gets his one wish to set up an electrocution. He purposely doesn’t use the sponge properly, and watches Del writhe in agony during the electrocution and Del even catches on fire before he dies. I thought to do my essay on this topic, because it shows, well at to me it does, that not all death row inmates are horrible people and that not all guards are nice people.

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