Friday, March 11, 2011

The Green Mile #2

In part two we are told about Delacroix and his arrival to Green Mile. He came before John Coffey and was brought in by Percy Wetmore. Right away Percy is beating Delacroix before Percy even gets Delacroix to his cell. Percy says that Delacroix was trying to fill him up, which was a complete lie. Percy just wanted an excuse to beat Delacroix. The other guards then jumped in and stopped Percy from beating on Delacroix. That kind of behavior in not tolerated on Green Mile. Shortly after Delacroix gets there the mouse that had been seen on Green Mile, named steam boat Willy by the guards became Delacroix pet. There is something special about this mouse and he is attached to Delacroix who names him Mr. Jingles. During this time Paul Edgecomb is suffering from a terrible UTI which is causing him serve pain when he pees. He doesn’t want to seek treatment for the UTI, instead opting to wait it out and letting it go away on its own. John Coffey then “heals” Paul’s UTI infection by laying his hands on him. Paul says he can feel the pain leave his body and is completely healed. Paul is dumb founded by what John Coffey did and isn’t sure what to make of it. William Wharton is brought into the Green Mile and starts fighting with the guards as he is fixing to reach the Green Mile. William almost kills the guard Dean and Percy is just standing there watching everything happen. Percy doesn’t jump in to help or just his baton that he is constantly showing off. His lack of action shows just how cowardly he is. Dean gets help and is okay after all. William is now known for his wild behavior and ends up in the solitary confinement a few times for bad behavior. Paul learns about Warden Moore wife brain tumor and finds out she is dying. She doesn’t have long to live and Warden Moore is taking the news hard. Paul is still thinking about John Coffey and is wondering how someone who seems so gentle and kind could be a killer. Paul goes to talk to the reporter of the newspaper about the John Coffey case. I think Paul’s doubt about whether or not John Coffey actually killed those kids is brought upon John Coffey “healing” him. Back on Green Mile, Percy Wetmore gets assaulted by William, as Percy is walking to close to his cell and William grabs him through the bars. William basically assaults Percy and tells him these derogatory remarks about what sexual things he would like to do to Percy. Percy being the coward that he is; is terrified by William and his comments. Percy is fine and no physical harm is done to him, but he pees his pants in the process. Delacroix takes advantage of this and basically laughs and makes fun of Percy for peeing his self. Percy is very upset. A few nights later Percy kills Mr. Jingles by crushing him with his boot right in front of Delacroix.

The social issues that I see is certainly the homophobia of gays or gay acts. Percy uses the excuse that Delacroix was trying to “touch” him, so that Percy can beat Delacroix. And then William basically assaults Percy with threats of homosexual acts. Again, the racism of black people is present and I believe will continue to be throughout the book.

essay 3

I am not sure what to write about. I would like to change things up, last two essays have been about criminal justice. There is a lot to pick from as far as social issues, I read the Faigley Propasal and it was interesting. It helped me understand the best ways to pick a topic, so I will have a subject picked out by the end of the evening. If anyone has any ideas to throw at me that will be great.

Pondering on Essay 3

My first two papers were focused on technology in the medical field. For this paper, I want to keep my focus in the medical genre, but I want to focus more on the social issues that are causing diseases to spread more quickly than in past times. I am not sure which disease I want to focus on. Maybe I will write on a disease such as MRSA or VRE that is spread by contact. I haven't quite decided on the specifics. As far as a back-up plan goes I was thinking along the lines of xenotransplantation. It is an interesting topic that I have yet to really pick a side on. I'm riding the fence on my opinion as far as having animal parts inside of me. Even if it meant life or death I don't know if I would be able to accept an animal part in exchange for one of my human parts. Honestly would you want that? I'm debating right now. Any opinions?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

essay 3 ideas

theres soooo many things i could write about this subject. im leaning more towards maybe alcholism, bullying, domestic violence. im really not too sure what to write. i think im going to enjoy writing this essay a lot more than the technology subject. alcholism is personal deep subject to me that i think would be theraputic to elaborate on. bullying now days is everywhere, the news the paper the internet. it seems like an important social issue. the same goes for domestic violence. who knows, im still debating on what to write about really.

Ideas for Essay 3

I have three topics that I'm tossing around for this 3rd essay. The first is autophobia. I've always been interested in this issue. For those of you who aren't familiar with this, it is the fear of being alone or of the fear of yourself. I've read a little about it and it's hard to understand how a person becomes afflicted with this. How can you tell if your child has autophobia or if they just don't want to go to bed? Do you worsen the condition if you force them to go to their room alone or sleep in their own bed by their self?
Another disorder I've thought about is racial agoraphobia. I'm not sure if this term is medically recognized. I dubbed it so because agoraphobia (the fear of groups or of being in crowded places) and racial (of or related to genetically distinguished groups of people). I experienced this first hand after 9/11 without even realizing I had been affected by it. Albeit unjust to the group around me, it was something very real and terrifying.
The last social issue is spousal abuse. Specifically women who seem to thrive on the abuse dished out by their mate. I'm having difficulty with this, it's a touchy subject and I can't think of a solution. You can take someone out of an abusive relationship but you can't make them not go back.

Essay 3 - Social Disorder

I'm swinging between two ideas. The first, more prominent in mind is our reaction to social stereotyping. Do not get me wrong, I am not racist, nor do I mean any harm to any particular race, creed or religion. However. My jumping off point is this: America refuses to admit to being racially bias, and by doing so we allow nuns and 11 year old girls to be "thoroughly" examined at airports, while we allow those that appear suspicious to wander past customs because to pull them out of line would appear insensitive. Arizona previously passed a law stating that police officers are allowed to investigate proper identification for those who "appear to be illegal citizens". This has caused a lot of commotion as it certainly segregates a harassment of the Latino population. I cannot tell you what would be a simple solution to these arguments. I am not in favor of setting our racial climate back 50 years to separate drinking fountains or the small mindedness of ignorant people. Although, the social issue I see rise out of this cloud is this: We think one way, and do another. Many Italian airport securities have taken the authority that if you look like a terrorist, you will be responded as to one, without any apology for their actions solely because it is done for the safety of their passengers and citizens. I think our social atmosphere should become more truthful in our feelings and not get wrapped up in sensitivity when concerning security and safety. Again, this idea is just rolling around and I'm not sure if I will choose this approach as it is touchy to say the lease, and I have no discerning solution for it.

My other choice to write about is how we have become apathetic to rebellion. We have become couch potatoes in terms of fighting for our rights and independence. We just watched Egypt display a country wide riot for their rights in commerce. In America, we've reduced our activism to joining a Causes page in Facebook. We'll gladly send the amount of a cup of coffee a day but we will not physically get up and do something for the cause. In the 70's the streets where filled with protests and acts to have our voices heard. Don't get me wrong, there are still protests for saving the whales, going green, and the like but our political distaste has been reduced to rolling our eyes. There are some people that are out there fighting the good fight, I do not want to dismiss their actions. I am simply saying as general population, on an epic wide scale as seen recently done by Egypt and following countries. I'd like to see the backbone put back in America so a change in something can be accomplished.

Essay 3

There are sooo man social issues to choose from, wow. I am still undecided about what I am going to write for the essay 3 but I was considering writing about how people use religion as a crutch. And how some people, religious fanatics for example, take religion to the extreme and blow it out of proportion. For example: the church who is protesting all of those military funerals? Yeah those kind of people are the ones who are giving Christians a bad name because that is NOT what being a christian is about!! We are instructed to love everyone.( Love your neighbor as yourself) Everyone. No matter their sexual orientation, or if you don't agree with what they are doing, it doesn't matter. We aren't supposed to judge people at all.( Judge not lest ye be judged) I think what alot of Christians do today is take the bible and manipulate what it says to make what they are doing okay. On another note, being a Christian is not about forcing our religion down everybody's throat. If somebody doesn't want to listen, that is completely up to them, its their decision. We're not supposed to judge people for any reason. We were put on this earth to spread the gospel of christ, yes, but if somebody is unwilling to listen I think that it is up to them whether or not they want to believe, because in the end the truth will be made known. "Every knee will bow and tongue confess.."philippians 2:10,11. Anywayyysss I got off on a different tangent there. I'm tired of christians misusing the name of Christ and saying "God hates this" and "God hates that" because none of that is true. God loves all. God is love. I know this is a touchy subject and I would like to know what people think. But so far I think this is what my essay 3 will be on.

Essay 3

Huh, social issues, gee could we have any more broad of a choice? I am floundering trying to pick just one topic, there are a few that are standing out to me because of their personal connection to my life. Physician-assisted suicide is one subject that I would like to delve into and the other would be the obesity epidemic. For me these topics are closely related because they are ultimately about choice. Our society protects some choices to the extreme and then limits others and I can only think how unfair and odd it is. I also like that these are hot button issues and I am guaranteed to cheese off a few people by my particular stance.

Why is it ok for someone to choose to be obese? And why amd I supposed to be tolerant and understanding of that choice? Or worse yet act like it isn't a choice? What are the monetary costs to society at large? What part does society play and what part is personal responsibility?

Have you ever watched someone die a slow and painful death? How about someone you love, a parent or a sibling? Have you ever felt the impotent misery of hearing a fatal diagnosis? When does the Puritanical belief of allowing God's will to decide someone's time of death become just cruel? If after seeing your father die slowly for weeks in pain and loss of rational thought would you change your position?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ashlee Skabla - Essay 3

There's so many social issues that I take an interest in. One in particular is same-sex marriage. Having a step brother that is homosexual, and many friends, I find it repulsive the harrassment they receive. Usually bullying is among younger children and teens, and it filters out as kids begin to understand that there are other people in the world, besides themselves. They get out of their "I" and "Me" stage, and begin to acknowledge other peoples lifes, aside from theirs. That's usually, but there are grown adults that harrass and torment young generations for their sexual preference. Verbal abuse, and sadly sometimes physical abuse. Even though I am heterosexual, I completely respect the choice of homosexuals.
To me, this is where religion is taken to the extreme. Instead of religion being something that people can have faith and hope in, it becomes a rule book. Should any of the rules be broken, you are to be condemned to the burning fires of hell, for all eternity. If the bible stated "thy shall jump from a bridge", would you be condemned if you terrified of heights? Religion creates structure for what society determines appropriate, and all religions differ. Since the bible claims homosexuality as a sin, it is forbidden and an abomination. What other countries perceive as a sin, America indulges in it. America exploits women for entertainment, and pleasure purposes. In other religions, women are forbidden to show skin. America is a multi-cultural country, in which we are allowed to practice any form of religion or no religion at all. Church and state should be kept seperate, for people don't have the same beliefs. People don't have the same thoughts, and people don't have the same feelings. No one is created equal, but are to be treated equal. State should recognize that religion should not be in the way of same-sex marriage, America is a free country right? People should be free to marry whoever they wish to.
It's wrong to discriminate someone for their race, gender or ethnicity. Why should it be any different to discriminate someone for the sexual orientation? Who is someone to look down upon, or judge someone elses sexual preference. It is not you, you aren't having to engage in those acts. You are born with your own brain, your own knowledge! It is beneficial to have religion and guidelines, but have your own thoughts and opinions.
There's always going to be an argument about reproduction. Allowing same-sex marriage isn't going to stop reproduction, not everyone in the world is homosexual. It is just acknowledging an individuals rights, and respecting them. Plus it gives same-sex couples the opportunity to adopt and establish a family, decreasing orphanages and giving children a home. It's 2011, we have modern families now. Purple, white, mexican, orange, black, gay, straight, who you love is who you love. Someones sexual orientation makes them no lesser of a human being.

Essay Three

Wow, social issues. Narrow down on just one.

This seems like an easy task, but has proved to be difficult for me. I have some ideas but I’m not exactly sure what I want to right about at the moment.

I’m torn between writing about foreign policy issues – where I have most of my experience – or domestic issues.

There is so much going on in the world today, war on two fronts, collapse of multiple governments in the Middle East, oil prices rising, the push for domestic petroleum exploration, gun rights issues, rising healthcare costs and forced government reform, increasing federal control and infringement on states’ rights etc. I see to be lost in a sea of interesting issues that I would like to write about.

For this essay, I believe I’ll keep is rather simple. After all, six pages isn’t quite enough room to make a strong argument for the solution of most of the problems we face today.

I’m still undecided.

Any suggestions?


Misery #2

Now with Paul having the typewriter, The Royal, that Annie has provided for him to write Misery’s Return, it is time for Paul to start his new novel. As he begins writing Annie is not at all happy with the work he has done so far. Annie says “it isn’t fair” and refers to it as a cheat. With feelings of disgust, Paul must shift the way the book is going in order to keep crazy Annie pleased, fearful that she may kill him. Along with Paul already troubled with having to write a book not desired, the typewriter also throws the letters “n,” “e,” and “t” to make it even harder on him. Still not being able to move on his own, Annie assists Paul every time getting in and out of his chair, amazed by her manly strength. However, Paul is secretly building up his own strength by using the fifty pound typewriter as a weight, lifting it over his head in increments starting at five building up to twenty. Now into Chapter 7 of the book, Annie seems pleased with his work, commenting that it is nothing like any of the other Misery novels. Paul then makes Annie feel special by allowing her to follow along chapter by chapter as he is writing. There is a random knock on the door and Annie handcuffs Paul to the bed and stuffs a rag in his mouth so he cannot be heard. The knock was someone of authority trying to collect money that Paul referred to as “Mr. Rancho Grande,” that Annie soon ran off. Paul gives Annie a majority of the money she owes to keep her in high spirits. As the days go by, Annie’s crazy side only starts to grow. Paul realizes that he must act positive and stay focused on finishing this book before Annie kills him and kills herself.

Essay 3

I like the objective we have to write about, it makes my head spin with ideas. I have so many ideas but I don't know which one is good for me to write about. I believe that the world has a lot of problems that can have simple fixes; problems that just doesn’t make any sense on why they’re there. One problem or just bad ideas people have is some rappers rap about sex and drugs. It’s not really about them rapping about it, it’s just they’re starting to get real detailed and that’s all their raps are about. Just think about it. Who are they rapping to? The people who are impressionable that are listening, kids who are in high school and elementary kids who look up to their brothers or sisters who are in high school. Kids nowadays just think the music is normal and that the behavior that’s being descried to them is okay for them too. One of my experiences with this subject is I went to Putt Putt Funhouse a week ago and saw a dad who was obviously proud of and loved his daughter. When she was rock climbing, he was the loudest cheering her on. Then she moved to karaoke and started to sing an inappropriate song for her age and almost every kid in the room. I started to look around in surprise but no one seemed offended. Her father was still cheering her on and I was in awe at the situation. This isn’t just in rap though it just in every popular music.

Essay #3- Problems with Racism

My essay is based on racism in society. These days we still have people who think that their race is better than others. Racism first started with religion, some people believed that their religion and god would send them to heaven. Then racism started again when white people brought African Americans to the U.S in the 18th century, because white people thought that they were much more intelligent than black people. Now in the present racism is still being continued, not only by white people, but by other race as well. Racism is being expressed in so many ways, such as vandalism, all the way to violence and hate crimes. But these days racism is expressed to many people, such as blacks, whites, Arabians, Hispanics, evens gays. Not only is discrimination going through the old fashion white people, but other races as well, these days even cops discriminate to whomever they want. No matter what people do in reaction to racism, there will always be someone hating on another person. Most people help to fight racism by allowing other people to become familiar with their ethnicities. Others also try by doing interracial mixing in their neighborhoods, which could show an example on other people’s background.

Racism will always exist, but with help we can at least make it a bit less intense and violent.
Let’s Try To Aim For World Peace

Blog Essay #3 Problem/Solution

I am still not sure what I want to write about yet but I think I might write about the issues with human trafficking. Over the years we have seen how many young girls go off to other countries during like spring break and end up disapearing. Then you hear about stories on the news of how girls are being sold into prostitutiona. Most end up hooked on drugs and eventually dead. I'm not sure of a solution yet I need to do some more research on it and I think if we could find a way of having better communication with other countries, maybe we could find some of these girls and bring them home to their families. Overall, I just might change the problem, I'm not sure yet.

Blog Essay #3

I will probably end up writing about the world hunger problem. However I havent really decided that for sure. I know one of the main problems is overpopulation. The way to solve that would be to limit people from having more than two children. If the overpopulaton keeps going the world will run out of resources and end up in chaos. Also people's consumption habits these days, tons of sugar, fat, and all kinds of crap that leads to death. Yet i really don't think its fair that one part of the world are morbidly obese and for the other side well they are dying as we speak from lack of food. Which is sad because there is plenty of food to go around. What people could be spending on food for others they are spending on pointless things like bombs and all kinds of things. A solution to this problem is simple take out taxes from the government! I'm not sure if that is correct or what not but it's just an idea. I haven't really looked into the solution yet. If people were just a little more compassionate and caring children wouldnt be dying every day for stupid reasons.

Essay 3

With so many social issues going on in today world i am having a hard time making a decision on what to write about but for them most part I'm think about writing about elderly abuse in nursing home and in private care facilities. although there are already many laws to help prevent this , they are not enough they are only prevent measures. what happeneds to the people commiting these "crimes" ? how are the families dealing with these issues. many of the residents in nursing homes and private care facilities are WAR VETS!! people mistreating the elderly who faught for our country in a time when healthcare was at is worst and they surivived that and now have to deal with a younger generation coming in and stealing from them neglecting them. some of the ways i think that that this could be stoped is by doing more extensive background checks on the people who are taking care of them get nanny cameras to help better convict and monitor. there are so many issues with the elderly you can not just go hiring some person off the street to take care of your family!!!

rose madder #2

Mr. Slowik in travelers aid Consuelo, Anna Stephenson, Mystery man gave her better directions

women crisis center - shelter home for battered women

Mr. Peter Slowik directs her to a half way house on the way there she meets several unnamed characters but she was to uncomfortable to speak to any of them and then she meet the mystery man with better direction. once she gets there she another women named comsuelo who introduces her to Anna Stephenson the owner of the halfway house. She is expalning her story and going over the rules of the womens shelter.

Under the Dome #2

New Characters: Phil Bushey (the Chef), Andrea Grinnell, Rusty Everett , Piper Libby, Colonel Cox, and Carter Thibodeau.

After Rory Dinsmore is shot in the head, from the reflection of a bullet shot at the dome, off he is immediatly rushed to the hospital. He dies at the hospital and Doctor Haskell Dies shortly afterwards from a heart attack. Rusty Everett has to take over as the new town doctor. The president declares a Martial law to give Barbie control of Chesters Mill. While Barbie is telling Big Jim about the Martial law, Scarecrow Joe and his friends deliver Newspapers for Julia around the town. Afterwards Carter Thibodeau and his friends rape Sammy Bushey. Lester Coggins goes to talk with Big Jim to convince him that they should tell the people about their Meth lab, and ends up being killed by Big Jim and Junior. Then they plotted to make it seem like Barbie was the murderer. A small portion of the town is to be evacuated, because the Air Force is going to drop two missles on the dome. Joe and his friends set up a laptop to record the missles hitting the dome. The Missles hit the dome, but nothing happens. Piper Libby goes to confront Carter Thibodeau and his friends about the rape, and she ends up falling down the stairs and dislocating her shoulder. Chef has a seizure, while Andrea decides to quit taking Oxycontin who also has a seizure while doing so.

Social Issues: Blackmail, Necrophilia, Stealing, Drug abuse, Police brutality, Foul language, Medical advancments, and Tyranny

Carrie #2

New Characters:
Stella (Carrie's former next door neighbor)
Billy Nolan (Chris Hargensen's boyfriend)
Hubert Kelly (owns Kelly Fruit Company, has a heart condition)
John and Judith Brigham (Carrie's grandparents)
Harold Alison (who Judith remarried after John's death)
Rita Desjardin (gym teacher)
John Hargensen (Chris Hargensen's father, who is also a lawyer)
Pete Morton (assistant principal of Ewen High)

Short Summary:
There is alot more characher development centered around Carrie. Including her mother, grandparents, neighbors, and her childhood. The interview with Stella, that explains some of Carrie's home life as a child. Goes more into detail about Carrie's mothers religious beliefs. After the episode in the locker room, Ms. Desjardin felt like the girls needed to punished. She went to the principal hoping to revoke the girls' prom priviledges. Assistant principal, Mr. Morton thought that was a little harsh, and suggested physical punishment instead. Chris Hargensen refused the physical punishment, where she was sent to the principal and her prom privledges are taken away. The last scene of the section, Sue goes to the Kelly Fruit Company, which is a local hangout for kids in the area. There she gets a root beer and talks with the owner, Hubert Kelly. She encounters Chris with her boyfriend Billy, and gets into a confrontation about how they handled the situation with Ms. Desjardin. Chris is upset because she can't go to the prom, but intends to retaliate against Carrie. Sue tells Chris that she thinks they deserved the punish they received, but really just didn't want to miss prom.

New Social Issues:
The social issues in this section repeat themselves. Religion, parenting, and bullying.

Ideas for Essay 3

My idea for essay three; define a social problem would be teen pregnancy. I think it is a problem that many high school and even junior high kids face. So many of these kids that become parents at a young age drop out of school and become dependent on welfare. It is an exception to find teen parents that go to college and get their four year degree. This is a problem that all citizens face, due to the taxes that all employees pay for welfare, and it is a problem to the kids themselves who are not ready to become parents at such a young age and have the responsibility of caring for another human being. My solution would be to inform and teach teenagers that there are ways to prevent pregnancies, contraceptives that are available for both boys and girls, and how to talk to their parents if they are having sex. I know that parents would like to believe that their children are not having sexual intercourse but the truth is that the majority of them probably are. Teenagers need to know how to protect themselves, if they do choose to be sexually active. Also, I totally support abstinence, however topics besides just abstinence need to be addressed. I know that this is a touchy subject, so I welcome all comments and criticism and will take those into consideration as I write my paper.

Essay 3 Ideas

I'm really having a hard time figuring out what to argue about. I wanted to compose my essay about the debris falling into the Galveston Bay. This is something dear to me because it is effecting my community and place of residence. I love the place where I live,and I just don't want to be handled in any kind of matter. I think I will do really well with this topic because its very important to me. I have other idead in mind but this a constant topic that keeps popping up in my head. I'm afraid about not getting accurate research for this idea.

Misery 2

New social issues: Paul is now addicted to the drugs, and trying to become less addictive by not taking each pill everytime.

Annie is making Paul re-write the book. Paul tries to escape out of the room that Annie keeps him in to call for help, but the phone doesn't work and she starts to comes back to the room, so his plan fails. Paul writes the first part of the Misery novel, and Annie pretends to become the "editor."


Cell #2

The new characters are the headmaster, Jordan which is one of his students. They decide head to tom's house in maulden. they break into neighbor's house to take weapons and find out that the daughter had shot her mother because she was infected. The Zombies are getting smarter. and they are now headed to the academy. Everyday the zombies wake up and go to town to get food and radios and then they head back to the academy to rest and listen to music and "recharge". The social issue is their survival skills and that they have to learn to trust each other.

Jorge, Niklas, Joshua, Sally, Kim, and Jason

dolores claiborne 2

New Characters: no new characters
Summary: Dolores finds out that while she is working that her husband Joe was molesting their daughter Selena. She also finds that Joe has been telling his friends that he is home correcting the children. Joe stole money from the children college funds behind Dolores back.
Social Issues: Molesting and rape, child abuse, domestic abuse, and theft.

Essay #3- Ideas.

I am very concern about gas prices now. Where we are going to do? . We need help from government to talk about that special issue. The gas prices is getting high, and painful for our budget; the paycheck still the same, but the expenses for survive are so expensive. Some solutions, I bought a scooter to save money in gas, I though that was a little solution for me, and to go restaurants once a month, try to reduce expend money in things that are not necesary.

The Green Mile part 2

During this section quite a bit happened. The mouse Mr. Jingles amazed the guards on the Green mile by his tricks that Delacroix supposedly taught him ( rolling a spoll and running across dealcroix's arms). Wild Bill was introduced in a choatic attack on Dean. Percy stood in shock while harry was thrown off of Bill. Eventually Brutus arrived and knocked him out cold. And John Coffey healed Paul of his horrible urinary tract infection. Paul was amazed but baffled at his cure at the hands of John Coffey. He thought god had given him healing powers yet John said he had healed him.

Ideas for essay #3 cuts in health care

Well I have to give an ideas of what I am supposed to write my paper over! Honestly I have only given a little thought of what I'm going to use as my topic! I've been thinking about the problems that have been spoken about in health care. The new has been saying that there will be cut backs in health programs. They want to get rid of all the community health clinics and programs like medicade and medicare. I feel that if this happens it will effect alot of people! The elderly whom live in nursing homes and get the care the need is paid for by medicare. Chlidren that are on medicade wont be able to get their well child check-ups, vaccines, medicines, ect. A lot of people would be out of healthcare and this, I beleive would lead us to a very sick world. If no one had medicine or vaccines because they can't afford to pay for it, then people would be walking around passing sickness to everyone. Well these are some of my thoughts on this and I think I will go with this topic because this concerns me very much!

essay 3 Idea

In essay 3, I am going to discover a new topic other than adding more information on my previous essay. I will go to CQ Researcher to do some research before I decide what topic do I write about. There is a lot of topics I am interest in. For example, nuclear, immigration, public health issue, and drug. In my paper, I will identify the social issue and come up with something everyone can do to slove the problem.

Essay 3 Ideas

For essay 3, my thoughts are still kind of at a stand still. I'm not too sure which social issue I want to tackle due to the fact that there are so many in the world as of today. The one that has been sticking out to me the most though, is teen suicide and/or depression. There are a lot of different aspects to this issue. Who does it affect? Why do they do it/ have it? What are the possible treatments? Medication? This issue happens to hit close to home with me, I have personal experience with it. So I feel by choosing this topic I'd be more involved in writing it, and having actual research of it. But in the back of my head, I also feel like the drug trafficing around these areas are becoming a major problem. So, I might do that one too. I have no previous knowledge of who, what, when, where and why, so this topic might be a little more difficult. Although it does intrigue me in the same way. Hopefully over spring break while sitting on the beach, I'll be able to chose and read more about the topic I decide on.

Problem and Solution Essay #3

I'm really having a hard time with this topic. Probably making it a lot harder than it should be. Every topic that I think I want to use is so broad. It's hard to write over local issues since I'm not from the area and never read a paper or watch the local news I don't have a clue what any of the local issues are.
I am interested and need to start researching the status of mental health facilities here in the area. The fact that over the years so much funding has been cut not only within cities but recently here in the entire state is scary. There are people capable of functioning as normal human beings with the proper treatment and care. So many of our mentally ill don't get the treatment that they need and end up in our homeless population.
I think this is probably the route I am going to go.

Ideas for essay 3

There are many problems in the world today. Some are more important than others, and some are more easily solved than others. My problem is getting better heath care to veterens with dissabilities. Being a Vet. that has dissabilities, I know it is a pain to go to the hospital and get any help. If i wanted to go to a random hospital because I couldnt make it to the VA hospital, I would have to pay the full amount for what ever reason im there. Just the other month I had to go to the ER beause my ear was bleeding and i went totaly deaf in my right ear. I have a service connected dissability with both my ears, so I thought that the VA would help me out with the bill. I was wrong; they told me that there was nothing they could do for me, and i was goin to have to pay the bill. when you are in the military your medical is payed for in full. If you retiar with the miltary you do get good benifits, just like if you retiar from any job. Im not saying that we should pay the full amount of the bill that comes from the hospital, but if a vet. cant make it to the VA hospital and has to go to a random hospital we should at least help out a little bit with the bill. One solution I have for this is to let the vets keep the health care we get in the military. Or maybe make it to where we can send a copy of the bill to the VA and they will help out. We could also stop cutting funding for the military as much as we do. The military is a big part of everones lives wether you know it or not. If it wasnt for the military we probabaly wouldnt be free today. The brave men and women that go off and fight for this country and shead blood sweat and tears should be taken care of their whole life.

Essay 3 ideas

In the idea can be many but can't decided which one to take. the theory of taking higher classes would guaranteed a good pay job withing this economy status. the student might have student loans to payback and no job to work on. Most of these people have kids to support and a home morgage to pay with high taxes to pay.

another issues would be why do school distric required or demand certain structure from the parents and also high taxes for a better teacher ratio, transportation. and safety seem to become a short fall to care for. My daughter ride the bus and three student per seat are assigend then are expected to from the bus driver to stay off the media in the bus while in transit to their location for drop off. The safety of the kid is always reminded the moment a person steps into the school building and then what disreguarding it after outside the school premisses.

If there will be a solution in how would it be how it will be address and to realy
really get a change.

Social Issues (Essay 3)

There is many social issues in today's world but i'm going to talk about one, Global Warming. Global warming is the increase of the average temperature on earth. This is caused by carbon dioxide that is released through transportation and by nuclear plants. One problem is that as the temperature rises the north and south pole ice caps and glaciers start melting and the sea level begins to rise. The rise in the Oceans will put many shore cities such as New York underwater. The temperature here in the gulf of mexico is a big deal to us living near the Galveston. If the temperature begins to rise in the months Hurricanes and T-storms are coming out then it means that stronger storms will start appearing. One way we can REDUCE this is by the use of technology. We can build hybrid cars and electric cars that reduce the amount of carbon dioxide released into the air. You can turn "green" and stop relying on nuclear energy and start using green energy which uses the wind, the sun and water as is source of energy. Another can be by stop relying so much on oil. Oil is what is causing all this, and if we don't fix it then our kids and our grandsons will suffer the consequences.

Ideas for essay 3

A big problem that I've encountered is expensive healthy food. Buying regular food here in the US is not to expensive. However, if you want to live a healthy life and buy organic food and healthy food, you have to pay much much more. Why does it cost so much to buy healthy food? Why is it so expensive staying healthy and in shape. Is it really right that a big hamburger meal is less expensive than a healthy dinner? I am going to research why it is so expensive and i want to find solutions how to make it less expensive. We live in a society where it is really easy to access food pretty much where ever you are. Why is it so hard then to find healthy food? I am very sure that many people want to be able to find a fast food restaurant that does not sell really fatty food that is high in calories, however, this does not seem to exist. So the choices you have are between, burgers, pizza, fried chicken and more burgers.
For essay 3 i am thinking about discussing immigration. I want to address this because it is some what familiar to me becauseI talked about this topic in past classes. When we talked about this topic we talked about if immigrants should if they came illegally. A solution to this problem could be to grant them citizenship if they are willing to abid by the laws and become legal citizens.

Essay 3 Ideas

There's a lot of topics I think I can work with for this essay. One issue that came to mind was the decrease in content in certain food products whithout changing the price accordingly. Personally, I find this practice wrong and they were better off increasing the price of the food. I think this method is dishonest as many people don't examine the exact amount of ounces in the product so when they go home they realise they just spent the same price on an item with even less content. Several retailers keep the price the same to subtly increase their profit margins. And honest solution would be to lower the price of the item if the amount of content has been decreased or increase the price to make up for loss of income if the amount of content hasn't changed. One of the few solutions I can think of regarding this would be to boycott certain goods that have changed their value in such a way and possibly petitioning for a more honest method of profit margining. This is just an idea though, not sure if I'll follow through with it just yet.
Another interesting topic was brought up recently regarding the drug cartels running rampant at the Mexican/American border. Several people have been targeted by these blood thirsty cartels and Mexican officials have been rendered useless by active threats of death. It is almost getting to the point that military action needs to take place in order to eliminate these cartels or at least minimize their threat. They get much of their business from across the border and they have many drug runners going through each day. It's a broken record argument but I think we may need to reinforce our border in order to try and cut off their revenue. These are two of the ideas I've come up with so far, might think of more in the future though.

Ideas for essay 3

The problem I am most inclined to base my essay upon is the controlled media. I think that the way the media sits at this point is a tragedy. We live in a time where information should be availible from a variety of different viewpoints and sources. However the news is very controlled to only a few set viewpoints and they get to decide what they want to broadcast. The same goes with the radio. There is a substantial amount of talented groups and musicains who stay out of the eye of the public because the radio stations want to play the same songs over and over! Why this injustice? I simply cannot wrap my brain around it. The media also decides what influence they want to initiate on the youth of society. Mtv has shows that a simply put sleasly and ridicolous. They promote drug use and sex and hardly touch on any real important topics. This is turning people into drones. I am sorry maybe I am a bit too harsh but it's the sad truth.