Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Essay 3 ideas

In the idea can be many but can't decided which one to take. the theory of taking higher classes would guaranteed a good pay job withing this economy status. the student might have student loans to payback and no job to work on. Most of these people have kids to support and a home morgage to pay with high taxes to pay.

another issues would be why do school distric required or demand certain structure from the parents and also high taxes for a better teacher ratio, transportation. and safety seem to become a short fall to care for. My daughter ride the bus and three student per seat are assigend then are expected to from the bus driver to stay off the media in the bus while in transit to their location for drop off. The safety of the kid is always reminded the moment a person steps into the school building and then what disreguarding it after outside the school premisses.

If there will be a solution in how would it be how it will be address and to realy
really get a change.

1 comment:

Joshua L. said...

The first problem you bring up is really a big and common sociaty issue. The higher class get more and more job oppotunaty and higher payment while lower income family is harder to find a job to support their family. For the solution, I would suggest that you can write about the responsibility of government or higher classes.For example, how can the government can provide a good enviroment for the next generation of low income family to get a higher education and better training.