Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Blog Essay #3

I will probably end up writing about the world hunger problem. However I havent really decided that for sure. I know one of the main problems is overpopulation. The way to solve that would be to limit people from having more than two children. If the overpopulaton keeps going the world will run out of resources and end up in chaos. Also people's consumption habits these days, tons of sugar, fat, and all kinds of crap that leads to death. Yet i really don't think its fair that one part of the world are morbidly obese and for the other side well they are dying as we speak from lack of food. Which is sad because there is plenty of food to go around. What people could be spending on food for others they are spending on pointless things like bombs and all kinds of things. A solution to this problem is simple take out taxes from the government! I'm not sure if that is correct or what not but it's just an idea. I haven't really looked into the solution yet. If people were just a little more compassionate and caring children wouldnt be dying every day for stupid reasons.

1 comment:

Camden Jones said...

Overpopulation in certain countries is becoming a problem, such as some areas in China. However, China has a law limiting the number of children per family. The main problem is that China favors male children and parents will actually try an abort or get rid of girls because they only get one or two chances so the ratio of males to females in China is getting ridiculous. As things become easier to access, a lot of people get lazier. Obesity in the U.S. is partly because of inactivity and partly because of what food companies put in their food to make the manufacturing process cheaper. There are many countries that have starving populations either because of a lack of food sources in their own land or general poverty. Personally, I wouldn't think that lowering or eliminating certain taxes would change anything about sending aid to other countries. Without adequate taxation, our country would be in even more debt than it already is in. Getting the government to change its spending policies may be more effective.