Thursday, March 10, 2011

Essay 3 - Social Disorder

I'm swinging between two ideas. The first, more prominent in mind is our reaction to social stereotyping. Do not get me wrong, I am not racist, nor do I mean any harm to any particular race, creed or religion. However. My jumping off point is this: America refuses to admit to being racially bias, and by doing so we allow nuns and 11 year old girls to be "thoroughly" examined at airports, while we allow those that appear suspicious to wander past customs because to pull them out of line would appear insensitive. Arizona previously passed a law stating that police officers are allowed to investigate proper identification for those who "appear to be illegal citizens". This has caused a lot of commotion as it certainly segregates a harassment of the Latino population. I cannot tell you what would be a simple solution to these arguments. I am not in favor of setting our racial climate back 50 years to separate drinking fountains or the small mindedness of ignorant people. Although, the social issue I see rise out of this cloud is this: We think one way, and do another. Many Italian airport securities have taken the authority that if you look like a terrorist, you will be responded as to one, without any apology for their actions solely because it is done for the safety of their passengers and citizens. I think our social atmosphere should become more truthful in our feelings and not get wrapped up in sensitivity when concerning security and safety. Again, this idea is just rolling around and I'm not sure if I will choose this approach as it is touchy to say the lease, and I have no discerning solution for it.

My other choice to write about is how we have become apathetic to rebellion. We have become couch potatoes in terms of fighting for our rights and independence. We just watched Egypt display a country wide riot for their rights in commerce. In America, we've reduced our activism to joining a Causes page in Facebook. We'll gladly send the amount of a cup of coffee a day but we will not physically get up and do something for the cause. In the 70's the streets where filled with protests and acts to have our voices heard. Don't get me wrong, there are still protests for saving the whales, going green, and the like but our political distaste has been reduced to rolling our eyes. There are some people that are out there fighting the good fight, I do not want to dismiss their actions. I am simply saying as general population, on an epic wide scale as seen recently done by Egypt and following countries. I'd like to see the backbone put back in America so a change in something can be accomplished.

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