Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Essay 2: Technology

After reading several controversial fiction stories regarding the topic, “is technology beneficial or detrimental,” I have formed my opinion to respond with. Technology is, of course, beneficial. Actually a better word would be vital. Although I do recognize some problems with technology, the benefits from developing and implementing it in our routines holds much more weight. I can’t even imagine how our everyday lives would be affected without the presence of technology. Since there are too many examples to demonstrate the fruits of a technological-driven society, I will try and focus more on the more broad aspects of my position. What exactly is technology? Merriam-Webster provides one definition of technology as “the practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area.” So, when did this horrible thing called “technology” start creeping up on humanity? I guess that all depends on how you imagine humanity in its most early state. Regardless of your personal beliefs, the answer would be the same. I’m no psychology expert, but it would seem apparent to me that humans naturally develop and apply technology. How are we expected to turn our backs on basic instinct? More importantly, are we to turn our backs on breakthroughs and advances that revolutionize the way we live our lives? Is, ignorance really bliss?


gertrude35 said...

Well thought out! Or at least well written. Don't know that I want to go back to the way things were before but I have to say that each time my computer goes down or I can't get a signal on my cell phone I wonder if things were really so bad before that we have to have these things in our lives now. Given me some food for thought.

jwebley said...

You have very good ideas, I like how you are supporting the beneficial side to this question


Very good theory, that we as humans are brought up with the instinct to create new technology, and to turn our backs on the ways of old.