Wednesday, October 10, 2007

FGundermann Essay 2

First of all I like that there is spell check but you will enjoy that more than me. The messages that Stephen King gives to us through his short stories are pretty clear. Technology can and already has corrupted our way of life. I'm not to say if its good or bad due to the fact I would be the biggest hypocrite in the state. I say that Technology has corrupted us because of the high dependency of it. Technology is good due to the number of diseases that can be stoped due to the research allowed by it. In "Night Shift" a man made substance had been released into the air and became a IDLH "Immediate Danger to Life or Health". The machines used to create this is a form of technology that can take a turn for the worst. In Quitters Inc. technology was used in the manner that no one really would approve of, discipline/ tourcherd. Dr. Danatti took the loved ones of the patient and tourcherd them in front of the patient to help them during their withdrawls.

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