Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Juan's Idea: The Dangers of Technology

With all the benefits of the internet, computer, cellphones, and other electronic devices there are also many dangers that come with using it. Hackers, phreakers, viruses, spyware, and other malicious things compromise your saftey. For every upgrade to your anti-virus there is a virus to mess up your computer. For every software patch to stop hackers there is a loophole to get around it. You might have heard the old saying "Where there's a will there's a way." This is especially true for nerds who dont have anything better to do then mess with programs all day to find out strange things to do with the newest version of Windows.

Its not just your everyday PC that is at risk though. Your cellphone is also a target. Take Paris Hilton (I'm pretty sure you dont care about her) for example. A while back her phone was hacked and all her contacts and risque photos were leaked to the internet. While this incident did lead to some quite hilarious conversations with some of her contacts, it does give a good indication of how vuneralbe you are.


jessicabenson said...

you're right, there are a million people waiting around just to ruin your things and it's sad that some people live like that, but it's true. You'd have a really good essay if you helped us as readers understand how to be more safe in the dangerous world of technology

Angel Travis said...

Lol, it was funny when it happened to Paris, but it could destroy any normal person, you made a good point. I didn't think about the hackers, I guess we get the mentality that it "wont happen to me", but now I am wondering how many people have gotten my info, lol. Not that there is much to do with my personal info, I don't imagine it could get any worse then it is already.
Its sad that some ppl dont have anything better to do than destroy personal lives and PCs