Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Good and The Bad of One World(jessica benson)

Technology is both good and bad. Many people will argue that it is only good or only bad. There are many good outcomes in technology such as health care for cancer patients or the disabled and also in education. Not only for students in school, but also for senior citizens and toddlers. Technology has been very beneficial to society. It has helped us as a whole move further into the future. You can look back and see how people used to live everyday life without cell phones and computers to get them through everyday, but now it seems as if people can not live without a cell phone or a computer. Some people have just become too lazy due to cell phones and video games, but also realize that missing people have been found because of a cell phone signal. Technology in itself is a very broad term. It changes everyday for the good and the bad. Most people have probably heard about my space, so you would know that it helps people keep in touch with friends and family and allows you to express yourself, but then there are people who sit around all day and all they want to do is ruin your day. An analogy everybody should use in everyday life is, everything in moderation. Technology allows us to communicate with another person faster than the speed of light, but if we just sit around all day and do nothing, but chat online all day then we are rotting good brain cells. Technology has helped me personally about 3-4 years ago. My grandmother was in the hospital for a major heart attack and went into a coma for 3 months, but because of the technology used it saved her life and now she is home and living her normal life.

Quitters Inc. has a hidden form a technology. Not only are the process's new and unheard of, but you have to sit back and think about how in the world do they spy on you and watch your every move. It's very sneaky and very sureal to think that anyone in the world could know everything about you in the blink of an eye.

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