Sunday, February 20, 2011

Twelve Round Split Decision

There really is't an exact answer whether technology is beneficial or detrimental to humanity. On my first outlook the benefits of technology outwieghed everything else. After taking a second look there are so many ways technology can go wrong. Judging by the way Stephen King writes about technology in his books, he would defiantly support it to be detrimental. It's going to be so much easier to find support from our books that are so against technology. There's a huge variety of things to talk about so negativly, like so many people do on a daily basis, so I might even have to narrow the topic down some. Bad technology can include so many different things from war to contibuting to lack of excersise. My first opinion is that so many people are growing lazy and forgetting about good old fashioned hard work that founded our country. That same effort tanslates to an educational effort with so many different things to sidetrack you. No one wants to work on homework when you have so many video games and television stations to flip through. There are countless ways the media can control our government with so many people uneducated and all they have is a TV station telling everyone what the person with the most money wants you to hear. Would terrorist be threatning our family without technology? We can also ask ourselves if the money we give to some of our untrusted countries for oil is going to destroy us with emissions from our vehicle, or nuclear warfare....

1 comment:

kristinmt09 said...

I really like your out look on technology. I do agree that people are becoming more lazy and I never looked at technology as a part of war. Good thought.