Sunday, December 5, 2010
Essay 5
Essay 5
Friday, December 3, 2010
Essay 5
I think that this essay is very different than the previous that we have written. I’m planning to write about Annie Wilkes from Misery. She has many issues that can be discussed. The way she may have been raised could have been the reason she turned out the way she did. In the book her father was mentioned a few times. I just wish it would have expanded on that part a little more so that we could see a clearer background for her. Never the less she did have some type of mental illness that caused her to act the way she did. Anything would cause her to snap on people. It amazes me that someone as smart as Annie was could just be so different. She was a career woman and had many jobs in the nursing field but chose to kill people instead of help them. I also wander if maybe she went into that field just to satisfy her need to kill thinking or knowing, better yet, that she would be able to get away with it. I think that Annie was just crying out for help in the beginning but became satisfied with taking other’s lives. I think I’m going to rent the movie and watch that again too to help give me more idea to write about. I know I always forget a few things while reading and the movie is a lot like the book. Hopefully I can find an interview or something like that from Stephen King about this particular novel. If anyone knows of a place that I could find such information please let me know.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Essay 5 Ideas
I had not really given much thought to this paper yet, so I am not too sure how exactly I am going to write this or what I am going to write about. As for which foundation I will use to write my paper, I think I am going to choose, “What are the main issues raised by the character or the protagonist? What is the way that the conflict is resolved, and what happens at the end?” But I might also possibly choose, “Why does a protagonist take a crucial, life-changing action? What motivates this character to do something that seems bold or surprising?” These seem like the easier of the two for me to write about. For essay five, I was thinking about maybe writing about the character Clay from the novel Cell that I read. He was a very interesting character with a lot of mixed emotions about some things. His never-ending drive to find his son was absolutely incredible. No matter what obstacle got in his way, he never gave up and in the end, successfully succeeded in getting his son back. If I were to choose the first foundation, I would probably talk about all that Clay had to go through and all the obstacles that were thrown up against him in the search for his son. I would also talk about how the main problem of the story got resolved in order for him to get his son back in the end. If I were to choose to talk about the second topic, I would talk about all the little decisions that Clay made that ended up being a life-changing decision in the search to find his son and what were the main causes of that motivation. Just some ideas that I have in mind.
essay 5 ideas
Essay 5 Ideas
Essay 5 Ideas
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Essay 5
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Essay 5
Monday, November 29, 2010
Essay 5
Vera's personal life at the beginning of the book seemed to be perfect. She had a son and a daughter, a successful husband, and every material possession her heart desired. She meets Dolores when she is hiring staff for her family's summer home. As the years go on, her personal life falls into the shadows. You don't hear too much about the children, and the last thing you hear about her husband is that he died in a car accident. She doesn't have any close friends and her children don't visit her anymore. She begins to spend more and more time at her vacation home on Little Tall Island, where the novel takes place and where Dolores lives. She slowly turns into a full-time resident, and throughout the years the only constant in her life has been her head housekeeper Dolores Claiborne.
Vera suffered from dementia in her later years. She would have horrible hallucinations and nightmares and she depended on Dolores completely. King pulls off a wonderful feat in turning such a fiercely independent spirit into a weak, needy person. She's the kind of character that pulls you in and makes it easy for the reader to empathize with her.
Essay 5 ideas
There are many conflicting characters in the novel like the religious woman and the main character that grew up with very religious relatives that were not very nice. Also, there was Alice who was very nice and the boys who she tried to help but they ended up killing her, as well as many more conflicting characters.
This is what I plan on basing my essay on I think but like I said this essay will be bland and take me a very short amount of time to write because when you try to make these essays interesting you fail.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Essay 4 Ideas
Essay 4
Position Statement Essay 4
Essay 4
Essay 4 Position Statement
position statement
Jin's Essay 4
essay 4 ideas
Essay 4 Ideas
I am not quite sure yet on what I want to write about for essay four. I think with the novel that I read, it is going to be hard to find a social issue to write about. I do have some ideas in mind that could potentially be a topic for me to talk about, but I’m not sure if they are really relevant to the novel I read. Two of the social issues that were discovered in the book are everyone’s need to fit in and the greatest one of all, cell phone usage. Out of these two issues, the one that I think I am most likely going to write about is cell phone usage. I was doing some research on this topic and actually found out that this is a pretty big social issue. Cell phones were the main topic of the novel Cell obviously, so I think this would be a great topic to talk about since it relates so much to the book. So many people spend so much time on their cell phones daily that it just can’t be healthy for you. One way cell phone usage can have a long lasting effect on your body is through over exposure to radio waves for a long duration of time which in return can only heat up the body tissues. Another way cell phones affect our health is by talking on the phone or texting while driving. So many people are killed each year by car accident related deaths. I’m sure you hear all the time on the news that someone was texting while driving and wasn’t paying attention and ended up killing someone or even themselves. This is a sad, but very true fact. I am hoping this essay topic will turn out to be a good choice, but let me know what you think!
Essay 4 idea
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Essay 4 Ideas
The state of Texas has different governing bodies and auditors for different types of nonprofits; for example, a foster care program would be overseen by the Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services, whereas the Bay Area SPCA would be handled by a more general office like the Secretary of the State of Texas. These governing bodies are, as you can imagine, inundated with work and unable to keep a good handle on each and every nonprofit. Sometimes, nonprofits get out of hand simply because the person who started their own doesn't have a good handle on rules and reporting expectations. Sometimes the answer is a little more sinister since nonprofits are relatively easy to launch.
My position on this essay is that nonprofits are generally good, but there should be resources and support for the officers and directors of these groups that are easy to access. It woud be wonderful to develop a better system for the state to effectively track these groups, but we are a long way off from that. Once the red tape is minimized, state agencies will be able to regulate more efficiently. As things stand now, offending nonprofits typically don't find out they've done anything wrong until several months (in some cases, years) after the fact.
Essay 4
Essay 4
Essay 4 Ideas
Friday, November 12, 2010
Dolores Claibourne 4
Dolores Claibourne 3
Dolores Claibourne 2
Vera has also come back home and her and Dolores begin talking about her issues with her husband and she basically gives her the "hint" on how to kill her husband and during the Eclispe party she is having. Also finds out how Vera's huband was really murdered.
"The Green Mile" The final
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Essay 4 Ideas
Essay 4 ideas
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Essay 4 Ideas
Green Mile #5 cont.
Essay 4 Blog
For essay 4 I am going to write about the issues with people that are crazy like Annie Wilkes. She had serious anger problems and was unable to control herself. She needed help but did not want it. I think that she had problems but she wasn’t stupid because she had planned many of the murders and pulled them off perfectly. I think that people like that should be locked away. She took many lives during the time she worked as a nurse and she took many after the trial and got away with it. Not only did she take the lives of people but she also hurt the families of the people that she killed. A better investigation probably would have given all the evidence prosecutors needed but unfortunately it just didn’t work out that way in the story. I wish that she wouldn’t have died in the story, though. I was really looking forward to her spending the rest of her life locked up in an insane asylum. Anyway, I think that something should be done about people that really have problems like this and end up getting away with murder or really serious crimes. It’s terrible to know that the justice system can’t find a way to get around things like this. For example everyone knew that Annie was guilty and she got away with it because it was circumstantial. There should be some way around those loop holes. The only thing that I may have trouble with is finding the sources. I’m not sure about what I should type in for the search. If anyone has any idea’s I am defiantly interested in it. If I could figure out what to type in I am sure I could find all sorts of cases that would compare to Annie’s story perfectly.
Green Mile Essay 5
Misery's Final Post
Jin, Kevin, Chelsea, Rene, Stella
Novel dicussion #4
Essay 4 Ideas
Ashley Groves
Essay 4 ideas
The Cell
We all cam the the conclusion that the ending was yet another bad one from the stephen king think tank. They survivors ended up killing the huge flock with a busload of dynamite and Clay finds his son. You never know if Clay's son ever gets back to normal or he gets worse. We all agree that it was a very incomplete story with alot of missing facts. It never tells you who started the pulse or why they did it. It was a good story but it could have been a great one had there been a better ending.
Daniel Vaughn
Ashley Groves
Raquel Rojas
Kim Watts/Pappe
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Essay four ideas
Monday, November 8, 2010
Essay 4 Blog Post
Friday, November 5, 2010
Discussion 3 "The Green Mile"
Monday, November 1, 2010
The Green Mile Discussion #4
Misery Post 4
Jin, Chelsea, Kevin, Rene, Stella
novel discussion #4
The Cell novel droup 4
Tom alice and clay left the hotel to go toms house to hide out and be safe. On the way they see two men fighting over a keg of beer. when they get to toms house alice finds a baby shoe that she keeps with her.
Raquel Rojas
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Dolores Claiborne #3 Blog Post
She starts planning. She decides to kill Joe in a way that will make people believe it was an accident. She has thought about the best time to do it (while everyone is away watching the eclipse), how to make his personality and temper fit into her story (getting him drunk and then basically pissing him off enough to chase her), and, finally, getting him to run into an abandoned well (complete with rotted wellcap ready to collapse under the slightest pressure) on their property. She didn't count on him taking so long to die. At one point, he is struggling to get out of the well and makes it to the top; Dolores crushes his skull with a rock and it is finally over.
In her own way, she may have felt remorse but it doesn't carry over too strongly in the story. Going to these measures to get her and her family out of a horrible situation shows the reader just how desperate Dolores had become. We see that Dolores and her employer Vera really have become kindred spirit at this point. It is Vera's voice Dolores hears when she's smashing Joe's skull in. Two characters who were presented so differently from one another in the beginning have now turned into an unlikely support system for eachother.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
The Green Mile Discussion 3
Novel discussion #3 on Dolores claiborne
Misery Disscussion 3
Kevin, Chelsea, Jin, Stella, Rene
the cell novel group 3
short summary-They took shelter in the hotel, and there talking about what has happened, discussing world events.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Gang Violence a Social Issue Today
Gang Violence a Social Issue Today
The topic I chose for my essay was gang violence because of the experience I have had personally with it. Today you see a lot of the violence in the news from overseas. There is so much more than the papers and news tell us. Just think if you go overseas alone and are there for any amount of time, you are an easy target. Your papers can be burned and you can be left for dead barely alive or even never found at all. When any family or friends start to look for you they are often too late. This is something I have experienced personally and made it out alive. When violence like this happens to you, things look totally different and your not as invincible as you think anymore. This topic is a topic that will be hard for me but I also look at it as a way of growing and healing from it as well.
The cell
The Cell
In the Cell our group found that even from the beginning Stephen King was very descriptive and gory. The Cell is all about people going mad from their cell phone. A cell phone call or signal makes the go mad. King introduced us to two main characters: Clay, a tall, good looking, level headed man along with Tom, a somewhat level headed, short, semi-bald and somewhat bitter man. The two main characters, Clay and Tom are opposites of each other but King seems to make them fit together like a glove and work with each other. Every now and then King will bring Tom, the lesser of the men to be a hero in small feats on their journey. They are accompanied by a small young girl named Alice on part of their journey which both of them men protect on occasion along the way.
In the readings we found that King gets very descriptive on odd occasions as when he goes into detail about a naked crazy man running down the street. King makes you wonder why he chooses some events over others to go into such details at the time. It can be in appropriate in the readings at time leaving you thinking what his point is, in that particular moment. Along with the reading of this novel we came to some conclusions as well. We started to see King as not empathetic towards his characters as they die off or are abused in some way. He also tends to make religion in the book portrayed by a babbling idiot in most cases. In this novel the religious person gets cold cocked in the face and what makes it worse it’s a woman that gets hit by the main character Clay. One thing we did totally agree on is how he makes you start to hate the bad characters just as much as he does in his novels.