Sunday, December 5, 2010

Essay 5

I decided for this last essay, I would write about Bernie from Stephen King's short story Night Surf. I want to discuss the issues with burning the man, his girlfriend he no longer finds appealing, and the A6 disease. Bernie ends up being the only one who doesn't catch the disease so I want to discuss how he acts toward the situation he and his friends are in. He is also a good character to write about because he had very different views than the others that were still alive and had not yet been taken by the A6 flu. I look forward to writing about him as he was sarcastic and had many opinions of everything.

Essay 5

I have a few characters in mind to write my last essay about. The first one is Paul from "The Green Mile". He has a lot of heart, and you get to see it in different aspects of his life. He has almost worked on hell if you ask me, yet still has a heart of gold. He treats some of the inmate with so much respect knowing the kind of lives they have lead. He truly wants them happy while they serve the last part of their live on E block. He is able to see the good in the inmate when society has casted these people off. He seems to be well rounded because he has the patients he need for people like Wharton and the compassion that John needs. He is a true gentlemen because he treats his wife, and friend Elaine with respect. I also like that the story show him being the same type of person he was in his older days. I really think his character will give me a lot of depth, because of the environment he was in that never changed him. I am also interested the main character in "The Boogeyman". He seems to be a very twisted man. The story makes you wonder how real his version of the story is true. He is guilty of never truly loving his family or he has had a bad child hood. His children have all been killed by the boogeyman and he continues to let it happened. His pride is so important that he refuses to bad down from what his instincts are telling him. In the end his pride cost him his whole family. I wonder did he make the boogeyman up to take away the blame on what was happening to his family? Both character have a lot of material to work with so it a matter of which one to pick. I will enjoy this essay because of the characters we get to pick.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Essay 5

I think that this essay is very different than the previous that we have written. I’m planning to write about Annie Wilkes from Misery. She has many issues that can be discussed. The way she may have been raised could have been the reason she turned out the way she did. In the book her father was mentioned a few times. I just wish it would have expanded on that part a little more so that we could see a clearer background for her. Never the less she did have some type of mental illness that caused her to act the way she did. Anything would cause her to snap on people. It amazes me that someone as smart as Annie was could just be so different. She was a career woman and had many jobs in the nursing field but chose to kill people instead of help them. I also wander if maybe she went into that field just to satisfy her need to kill thinking or knowing, better yet, that she would be able to get away with it. I think that Annie was just crying out for help in the beginning but became satisfied with taking other’s lives. I think I’m going to rent the movie and watch that again too to help give me more idea to write about. I know I always forget a few things while reading and the movie is a lot like the book. Hopefully I can find an interview or something like that from Stephen King about this particular novel. If anyone knows of a place that I could find such information please let me know.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Essay 5 Ideas

I had not really given much thought to this paper yet, so I am not too sure how exactly I am going to write this or what I am going to write about. As for which foundation I will use to write my paper, I think I am going to choose, “What are the main issues raised by the character or the protagonist? What is the way that the conflict is resolved, and what happens at the end?” But I might also possibly choose, “Why does a protagonist take a crucial, life-changing action? What motivates this character to do something that seems bold or surprising?” These seem like the easier of the two for me to write about. For essay five, I was thinking about maybe writing about the character Clay from the novel Cell that I read. He was a very interesting character with a lot of mixed emotions about some things. His never-ending drive to find his son was absolutely incredible. No matter what obstacle got in his way, he never gave up and in the end, successfully succeeded in getting his son back. If I were to choose the first foundation, I would probably talk about all that Clay had to go through and all the obstacles that were thrown up against him in the search for his son. I would also talk about how the main problem of the story got resolved in order for him to get his son back in the end. If I were to choose to talk about the second topic, I would talk about all the little decisions that Clay made that ended up being a life-changing decision in the search to find his son and what were the main causes of that motivation. Just some ideas that I have in mind.

essay 5 ideas

i'm really not sure about who i'm going to write about for my essay 5 yet. still deciding from all of the stories but i really enjoyed a character from the green novel named john coffey. that story really caught me and turned me into the novel. at first i had just seen parts of the movie and thought it was a pretty good movie but after reading the novel i started to understand it. since i've read the novel i have been lookin for the movie to watch it all but have'nt had any luck so for my character i'm probably going to write about john coffey from the novel the green mile.

Essay 5 Ideas

In reading "Cell" by Stephen King, I have come to admire the persistency and courage that Clay Riddell demonstrates. He is faced with a dramatic and horrific altercation of life and has no option except survival. He begins with trying to get back to his son, who is in a different state when "the pulse" goes through. Knowing that there is only a slim chance his son hasn't been affected is the only thing that keeps him moving in his quest for familiarity and comfort. Along with him on his journey is a young girl named Alice and a businessman named Tom McCourt. With the help of these two, survival seems more probable. They encounter "phone-crazies" and observe them from a safe distance and decide to take action before it is too late. Tom doesn't want to travel the way that Clay does, knowing that the probability of Clay seeing his son again is slim to none. Tom believes that they should think of going the opposite direction then which they are headed. The two characters are portrayed with some similarities and some differences. I am planning on elaborating on the encounters that they share and how they each have reacted to it. Another idea for essay 5 would be to compare David and Norton in King's "The Mist." David has a very straight-forward look on the mist that has surrounded the supermarket and possibly absorbed the entire town. He merely wants to get back to his house and see if his wife is safe or has been "taken." Norton, on the other hand, is a pessimist and causes a disturbance in the supermarket when David tries to show him what came out of the mist. The two characters in each story have different views and appear to be plausible topics for a concrete paper.

Essay 5 Ideas

I am not one hundred percent sure on what I'm going to write about for Essay 5. There are so many different characters from the Stephen King stories we have read to choose from. I am thinking that I will write about a character from my novel choice Misery or a character from "The House On Maple Street". Paul Sheldon from Misery would be a good character to write about because of how strong and courageous he was to put up with Annie. He wasn't afraid to stand up to her in the end of the story, and he wasn't a coward. He dealt with everything she put him through when he could have taken the easy way out by committing suicide. Another character that would be interesting to write about is the step-father in "The House on Maple Street". He raised a lot of issues in this short story because he was emotionally abusive towards his wife and her children. He neglected both his wife and the children in this story. He was very selfish and cruel. I'm not sure which foundation I will use for this essay, but I would like to do something creative with two conflicting characters in this essay. I hope it will be good.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Essay 5

In this last essay, I would like to write about the protagonist character Paul Sheldon in the novel Misery written by Stephen King. I am going to talk about how he was able to endure the pain and torture that he endured during his time as a captive. I also want to focus on how he used he creative nature to help him deal with being a captive. I found that he even had a feeling sympathy for his captor by paying for her taxes on her house,Or how he felt when she gave her first encounter of a fake story and how she felt. I like how was able to chose to build his upper body strength when he knew there was no hope in his legs healing for him to be able to use them in order to get free. He took what he had left physically and mobile wise to help him move around in the house to find out more about Annie. I was particularly impressed with the measure he took in order to let the police officer know that he was being held in the house involuntarily. He knew that there could have been major consequences for his actions especially if it did not work. He had gotten to the point it was now or never. I was extremely impressed  when he ventured out into the house to get what he needed. Yes, he was after his medication but soon after these journeys became of survival escapades.This story helps a person understand how people survive terrible ordeals and make it through,It seems that you simply have to learn to adapt to your situation and make up in your mind that you will survive at all cost. Paul will never take for granted the things he took for granted before. This is something that will forever change his life and change him internally.I also like how Paul switched the control on Annie in the end by gaining her sympathy and burning his manuscript knowing that she would loose focus and that would give him the time to fight back.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Essay 5

I read in the Night Shift, "I know what you need" It was a very interesting story, sad but read on and a real fantasy. I man named Ed will be the character I write about. He had an amazing gift to help his abusive parents win major jackpots and still didn't appreciate him as a child. As he was older he wanted the love of a childhood acquaintence and used magic, voodoo, and charms to win her over by murdering her boyfriend and manipulating her emotions for him, after she finds out he learns that he can't get what he wants and nothing is never what it seems.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Essay 5

For this essay I've decided to write about Vera Donovan, one of the main characters from Dolores Claiborne. For me, Vera was the most intriguing character in the book. Everything about her is interesting, and she steals every scene she appears in. She had a great big personality, a horrible temper, and secrets galore. She was instrumental to the novel's plot. Even the she and Dolores had their disagreements all throughout the story, she ended up giving Dolores courage to do something she never would have on her own. They becom friends and Vera proves to be a good sounding board for Dolores's problems.

Vera's personal life at the beginning of the book seemed to be perfect. She had a son and a daughter, a successful husband, and every material possession her heart desired. She meets Dolores when she is hiring staff for her family's summer home. As the years go on, her personal life falls into the shadows. You don't hear too much about the children, and the last thing you hear about her husband is that he died in a car accident. She doesn't have any close friends and her children don't visit her anymore. She begins to spend more and more time at her vacation home on Little Tall Island, where the novel takes place and where Dolores lives. She slowly turns into a full-time resident, and throughout the years the only constant in her life has been her head housekeeper Dolores Claiborne.

Vera suffered from dementia in her later years. She would have horrible hallucinations and nightmares and she depended on Dolores completely. King pulls off a wonderful feat in turning such a fiercely independent spirit into a weak, needy person. She's the kind of character that pulls you in and makes it easy for the reader to empathize with her.

Essay 5 ideas

I am thinking about making my character analysis on a character from either "Night Surf" or "The Woman in the Room" because both of those stories interested me; but I also might just go the easy route and do a character from my novel "Cell". Since I practically failed the only essay I actually worked hard on I think that I'll just base my character analysis on the novel I read and only spend an hour writing it. The main issue in the novel is that mankind is being turned into monsters and their brains are being whipped clean resulting in the people referring to their animal insticts. The main character's main issue is that he is trying to survive and find his son. The conflict is resolved by the main characters blowing up the largest group of crazy people and their leader so that the remaining crazy people have no direction. In the end the main character finds his son and all of the crazy people are slowly staving and freezing to death in the Winter because they have no leadership. The conflict is resolved by death.
There are many conflicting characters in the novel like the religious woman and the main character that grew up with very religious relatives that were not very nice. Also, there was Alice who was very nice and the boys who she tried to help but they ended up killing her, as well as many more conflicting characters.
This is what I plan on basing my essay on I think but like I said this essay will be bland and take me a very short amount of time to write because when you try to make these essays interesting you fail.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Essay 4 Ideas

In the novel I read, The Green Mile, I saw quite a few social issues and problems. The ones that stood out to me though, were between Percy and the other guards and how Percy did everything HIS way and didn't discuss it with the other guards. I also thought how Percy didn't wet the sponge for the inmate was wrong as well. The inmate who was guilty for the crime that John Coffey was convicted of, didn't get executed for it because John was black. All of these issues state there were many social issues. So I think I might discuss how innocent people go to jail and are convicted of crimes they did not commit. I want to show how it is very important that you do catch and punish the correct people, not just assume. Of course it isn't going to be a race issue as bad as it was in the book, which was based back in the slave times. Don't get me wrong, there are still race issues, but our technology has made it easier to catch the actual victims and not let us be able to accuse someone else of doing it. It still happens though, and I would like to elaborate on that more.

Essay 4

I think that for Essay 4 I am going to write a position paper. The main issue in “The Green Mile” is the death penalty, so I think I will write over that. I am going to have the position of being against the death penalty. I can cover many things if I use this, with the main issue of killing someone even though it may be to keep someone safe. It is not right for someone to take another’s life when it is not your choice or decision. A life for a life is not a good rule to live by. I think I will have to begin a new essay, because there is not really any technology in “The Green Mile” besides the electric chair. The electric chair is not really a big enough technology issue, but it can be discussed in my essay about the death penalty. There are many ways to give out the death sentence, but why use the electric chair? I hope that I will have enough information to write a six page paper over the death penalty, but maybe I will find some other death penalties that were common during that time. In my first position statement paper, I was already against technology. After reading this book, I am even more against technology, because it is used to take away a life. I may use a little bit of that essay, but I think I am going to mainly write a new essay over the death penalty.

Position Statement Essay 4

I am going to expand on Essay 3- Social Problems. The essay is about Drug Abuse and the effects on the family. I have found through research that there is so much more information available. I take a personal interest in this social issue because I have a sister that has lived her life abusing drugs. Her bad choices have landed her in the hospital due to a stroke. Now, she is having to rely on us, her family, to help her.

Essay 4

I think what I am going to do is to expand on my 3rd essay over teenage trafficking. I will try to find even more harsh cases over the mental, physical and emotional sides over this abuse. I know that there are TONS of examples over trafficking including stastics, reports and interviews, specials on big time channels, articles, etc. I know that I can make this essay even more intense and show parts of the King novel that I read, Misery, and the social issues involved. There are bits and pieces of the novel that show how Paul, the hostage in the novel, and how he is forced(almost like trafficking) to write a book for his capture, Annie. If he does not do as she demands, he gets punished severly, almost like a prostitute in a sense. This essay will be more in depth and more points of interest than essay 3.

Essay 4 Position Statement

The government should implement the death penalty, based on the sole reality that some inmates are just too dangerous to be kept in the system.

position statement

I think what I am going to do is expand on my essay #2. Genetic experimentation has many more interesting facets like cloning. I think I can expand on some subjects to make a pretty decent paper.

Jin's Essay 4

The novel that I've read was Misery. The social issue of that book was the crazy pyschopathic woman name Annie who held Paul as prision in her own house; keeping him as hostage to write her a book. There are many crazy people out there in society. We need to help those people either to recover from it or put them somewhere where they can't hurt themselves or other people.

essay 4 ideas

My first impression on essay four was “OMG”! I don’t know how to approach the topic and not sure of what’s being asked also what should be obvious to me are the social issues found in the book from our novel group. The book itself is awesome and I can pick out some social issues in the book it’s just the book didn’t going into detail about the particular situation and for me to try to write a six to eight page say about so therefore I want to make sure I know what’s being asked of m so I plan to get with the my professor and hopefully by doing this I can get started on my essay since the holidays are quickly approaching. The annotated bibliography also confused me a great deal hopeful with the professor discussing this too I will know what’s expected of me. With this essay I have to start from scratch because my previous articles didn’t have anything to do with child abuse or alcoholism so I’m pretty upset about this but hopefully once I get started everything start to flow together. Child abuse seems like an interesting topic I plan to stick with this and propose a problem solution essay for essay four

Essay 4 Ideas

I am not quite sure yet on what I want to write about for essay four. I think with the novel that I read, it is going to be hard to find a social issue to write about. I do have some ideas in mind that could potentially be a topic for me to talk about, but I’m not sure if they are really relevant to the novel I read. Two of the social issues that were discovered in the book are everyone’s need to fit in and the greatest one of all, cell phone usage. Out of these two issues, the one that I think I am most likely going to write about is cell phone usage. I was doing some research on this topic and actually found out that this is a pretty big social issue. Cell phones were the main topic of the novel Cell obviously, so I think this would be a great topic to talk about since it relates so much to the book. So many people spend so much time on their cell phones daily that it just can’t be healthy for you. One way cell phone usage can have a long lasting effect on your body is through over exposure to radio waves for a long duration of time which in return can only heat up the body tissues. Another way cell phones affect our health is by talking on the phone or texting while driving. So many people are killed each year by car accident related deaths. I’m sure you hear all the time on the news that someone was texting while driving and wasn’t paying attention and ended up killing someone or even themselves. This is a sad, but very true fact. I am hoping this essay topic will turn out to be a good choice, but let me know what you think!

Essay 4 idea

I am not sure what I would like to talk about in this essay. The topics on social issues are very broad. While there are several to pick from discussion and research could prove to be a challenge. None the less I  would like to dicuss the lack of humanity in the world today. I believe that this will cover a lot of issues and not really certain how or what focus i will take. Maybe i will change the whole topic and talk on crime in America.This issue in particular is on the rise and seems to focus on home invasion in this area. I could talk about addidction as a social issue in todays society. It is almost normal to have an addictive personality. I have learned that that is part of my personality and have to be careful of things that I engage in. This type of personality makes it easy for people to become addictive to some or all things. Obesity is also a subject that I find interesting. Obesity is a number one killer of americans young and old. Just a few ideas hope to chose rather quickly and create a great paper.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Essay 4 Ideas

For this essay, I want to write about the positives and negatives of nonprofit organizations. Several nonprofit groups help a lot of people that aren't able to help themselves. They can provide food or care for special-needs groupds; sometimes they can provide monetary funds or skilled volunteers to raise awareness. But there's also a flipside to this argument. Many nonprofits in the last decade have been exposed for misappropriation of funds, using their organizations as pass-through devices to make money or filter profits from other companies, and paying outrageous salaries to friends or family members.

The state of Texas has different governing bodies and auditors for different types of nonprofits; for example, a foster care program would be overseen by the Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services, whereas the Bay Area SPCA would be handled by a more general office like the Secretary of the State of Texas. These governing bodies are, as you can imagine, inundated with work and unable to keep a good handle on each and every nonprofit. Sometimes, nonprofits get out of hand simply because the person who started their own doesn't have a good handle on rules and reporting expectations. Sometimes the answer is a little more sinister since nonprofits are relatively easy to launch.

My position on this essay is that nonprofits are generally good, but there should be resources and support for the officers and directors of these groups that are easy to access. It woud be wonderful to develop a better system for the state to effectively track these groups, but we are a long way off from that. Once the red tape is minimized, state agencies will be able to regulate more efficiently. As things stand now, offending nonprofits typically don't find out they've done anything wrong until several months (in some cases, years) after the fact.

Essay 4

I am thinking of talking about education. I'm going to go in the direction of taks testing. Does taks testing take away from the students learning other vital information? I heard that some students stress over these test, and have a hard time passing them. I know the teachers are under a lot of stress as well. Some school have went as far as offering bonus to teacher that are able to have their class successful pass taks testing. I would also like to find out what is the importance of these test, and how it really helps the students. The test would only make sense if it covers everything that student cover thought out the year. I think that the only way this test could be affective is it covers material they learned all year long, and it was done twice a year. The other question in my mind about schools is do we label out students to fast. I know that some student have disabilities but ADD and ADHD, and a few others seem to be quick labels that are used. I feel that if student are misbehaving we need to label them and give them medications. I understand that sometimes it's true and student need medication, but when are we over using it? I know also some parents can push for it as well but we as a school should push unless that is the only option. I know our school have a few different issue that could use some tacking, so my essay will hopefully do just that. I know schools do a lot of good for the student like programs that assist with need families, credit recovery programs and all the sports stuff the kids just enjoy. We will see which direction I take follow all my research on both topics.

Essay 4

My topic for Essay 4 is how woman are portrayed in the media and also how they are treated when they are a victim of violence. These two go hand in hand because the media is the leading cause of the way women are treated as victims in court by the way women are shown in the media. Women who have been the victims of violence are often treated as if they deserved the crime that happened to them. Most women are treated guilty until they can prove they are innocent of leading up to the violence against them. Even when women are cleared there is still usually doubt directed toward them still. It is easier for a man to accuse another man of a crime and not be looked at as if he provoked the crime of attack. Statistics show that it is easier for a man to be looked at as innocent in the event of rape than the woman who accuses him. Women are viewed as objects in adds and this leads to the violence. It is very clear that the media shows us all that it is a man's world in everything the print from adds of perfume to commercials. The media uses women to sell sex in just about every product we view. If you look at the way women are portrayed in any event in the media, it is always subtle and submissive. Even in politics women are down played so to speak. Even young girls are shorter than boys and in a passive poses instead of the active or bad boy poses men and boys are displayed as. The media needs to stop using them as sex objects playing down women.

Essay 4 Ideas

In my essay 4 I'm going to be writing about the death penalty as used in the novel The Green Mile. I am going to be writing a position paper where I will be against the death penalty. I feel this topic will be pretty easy to write about because there is so much being said on the topic. I feel it will be esy to find many facts to support my reasoning. There are many reasons why people should be against the death penalty and why it is wrong to execute another human being. A few reasons I will be discussing are; the religious issue, it's unconstitutional, the cost, and the possibility of someone being falsely convicted. About 95% of the United States believe in God therefore why is this even legal in our country. When it comes to the cost of the death penalty it cost at least 1.25 million dollars more than a case resulting in a sentence of life in prison without parole. Lack of belief of our judicial system has made it hard to feel confident in sending someone to death row. As King wrote in his novel The Green Mile, John Coffey was sentenced to death row for two accounts of rape and murder he didn't even commit.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Dolores Claibourne 4

After the death of her husband she is taking care of Vera in her old stage. As for Vera's death, she was ready to die, she was an older, bitter, blunt, and demanding woman, but was getting to old and unable to do anything for herself that she felt miserable and wanted to end her life. Dolores tries to stop her but she forced her fall down the stairs. She asks Dolores to help finish her death and even though she didn't want to she goes to look for something to help but by the time she got back Vera was already dead but looked as if she had done it when she was caught by the mailman since she was holding the roller.....Dolores also finds out that Vera has made Dolores her beneficiary on her will and left her some million dollars. Dolores's wonders why her kids didn't receive it but finds that they had died too and why did Vera say they would come visit her if they were dead. She doesn't want the money and feels that she is old and lived life and is peaceful where she is, and the story ends.

Dolores Claibourne 3

Vera has released Dolores from working and giving her some glasses and things for the eclipse. Dolores's plan was to get Joe drunk to start and arguement and have hin chase her and fall in the well and die, which starts to go. He is drunk and she goes to comfront him about the money he ahs taken and hidden, she runs for him to chase her and fells in the well and trying to come out. She falls asleep and tries to get the house but is worried he will come back after her and kill her so she goes back, he is trying to come out but fells when it brakes and she throws a rock to be sure he has died.

Dolores Claibourne 2

Dolores goes to tell her story from where it started. Her husband Joe was a drunk, mean, careless of her feelings, and abusive man, after finding out that he had taken her savings money for her daughters future, she was becoming fed up. She had gone to the bank to get her money and try to leave but Joe had already come and taken it all, without show of information that he was even consulted to get it, but the banker gave it to him anyways. Also that she has found out what Joe has done with their daughter Salena.
Vera has also come back home and her and Dolores begin talking about her issues with her husband and she basically gives her the "hint" on how to kill her husband and during the Eclispe party she is having. Also finds out how Vera's huband was really murdered.

"The Green Mile" The final

Paul is currently writing all his memories in a nursing home. He encounters a bully by the name of Dolan who reminds him of Percy. The next memory of the book he is telling us about is Delacroix execution, and how Percy didn't wet the sponge to make Delacriox suffer. The execution was bad, because Delacriox was burnt alive. Prior to the execution Percy also killed Mr. Jingles, but Coffey was able to bring him back to live. Paul and the other guards convince Percy to change jobs, but it will take sometime for that to happen. Paul gets the idea to see if Coffey can heal Melinda. They then drug Wharton and they restrain Percy to get Coffey out of the prison. Coffey is able to heal Melinda, and restore her to the way she was before the tumor took over her life. Once returning back to E block Coffey is able to see that Wharton is the girls true killer, but asked to be put to death. Paul's wife pass on and Paul ends up at the nursing home which he then decides to write his experience on E block.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Essay 4 Ideas

For essay 4, I'm not one hundred percent sure on what I'm going to write about. There are so many different social issues in my novel choice, Misery, that would be good topics to write about. In the end of the novel, some of the issues I noticed were alcoholism, prescription drug addiction, and mental illnesses. I think I am going to write about mental illnesses and include examples from Misery. One of the main characters in this novel had issues and tortured another character throughout the course of the story. I could write about how there are mentally ill people in our world that are like this, and how it can affect anyone. This will be a position essay. I will also include research from the databases online. I will probably use EBSCO for this. I will research sociopaths and serial killers and include this into my essay as well. I am stuck on what to write about for the disagreements on this issue. I can't think of any disagreements for this issue right now, I guess I'll have to really try to think outside of the box. I will include how chemical imbalances of the brain, traumatic incidences in someone's childhood, social isolation, envy, or loathing of oneself could cause someone to develop a mental illness like the main character of my novel choice. I will also include how these types of people can get so violent and angry at the drop of a hat, and how they can get a thrill out of hurting others just like the main character of my novel did. I will also discuss what things may have helped the situation in the book and what could help people with these issues in real life. Medication is one thing that I feel could resolve or alleviate problems with this social issue. I will try my best to make sense to my audicence, and to do a good job at relating issues in my novel choice to real life. This essay will definitely take a lot of work.

Essay 4 ideas

In Cell I think the social issue was when people are afraid they listen to the first person that steps up and starts giving direction even if it is to their slaughter. This makes it very easy for they leader to be corrupt and start doing things for his own gain. All he has to do is offer false hope and show intimidation. "The raggedy man" in the novel intimidats by killing all of the "crazies" that weren't going where he wanted them to, but also he could control people's minds. Anytime large groups of people are desperate or afraid all they want is direction and an easy solution and consequently they are easily fooled and intimidated. This is the problem with socialism. Socialism seems like a dream for a crashing economy and it seems like the perfectly simple solution, but it is easily corrupted. There is no freedom; only someone telling you what to do and when to do it, and more often then not it causes more violence then it is preventing. So I think I might make my fourth essay like my third except it will be a position paper against socialism.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Essay 4 Ideas

For the next essay, I was thinking of starting over with my topic being the death penalty.  Considering that it's the predominant issue in The Green Mile, I figured it would be a good idea.  Racism is still a problem, but I just didn't really see it as significant enough for my next essay.  I was thinking about writing my essay over the prison and criminal justice systems as well, but I think that the death penalty topic will bring up better arguments.

Green Mile #5 cont.

John Coffey is brought into the switch room to pay for the new crime of a past inmate.  As a last request, John Coffey asks to procede through the execution without the hood, to not turn the lights out.  The second switch goes down, and it's over.  The novel ends with the tragic death of Paul's wife.

Essay 4 Blog

For essay 4 I am going to write about the issues with people that are crazy like Annie Wilkes. She had serious anger problems and was unable to control herself. She needed help but did not want it. I think that she had problems but she wasn’t stupid because she had planned many of the murders and pulled them off perfectly. I think that people like that should be locked away. She took many lives during the time she worked as a nurse and she took many after the trial and got away with it. Not only did she take the lives of people but she also hurt the families of the people that she killed. A better investigation probably would have given all the evidence prosecutors needed but unfortunately it just didn’t work out that way in the story. I wish that she wouldn’t have died in the story, though. I was really looking forward to her spending the rest of her life locked up in an insane asylum. Anyway, I think that something should be done about people that really have problems like this and end up getting away with murder or really serious crimes. It’s terrible to know that the justice system can’t find a way to get around things like this. For example everyone knew that Annie was guilty and she got away with it because it was circumstantial. There should be some way around those loop holes. The only thing that I may have trouble with is finding the sources. I’m not sure about what I should type in for the search. If anyone has any idea’s I am defiantly interested in it. If I could figure out what to type in I am sure I could find all sorts of cases that would compare to Annie’s story perfectly.

Green Mile Essay 5

In this last part of the novel, Delacroix's execution finally takes place.  All protocols and procedures are followed with one exception: Percy leaves the sponge dry.  Believing that it would only hurt Delacroix a little, Percy calls for the second switch.  To his horror, Delacroix screams at the top of his lungs out of the excrutiating pain of hundreds of volts coursing through his body, his flesh burning.  Later, the E Block staff plots to bust John Coffey out, all for the purpose of healing the warden's wife and her inoperable tumor.  But before that, they drug the warden unconscious, and the plan follows.  When he heals the warden's wife, John Coffey, instead of releasing the swarm, holds it in, donning the tumor himself.  When the convoy returns, Percy is about on the Green Mile.  Percy is immediately restrained and put in the padded room to keep him quiet.  Upon being released, Percy passes by John Coffey, who grabs him and passes on the affliction of the tumor to him.  Percy now breaks out in an episode of psychosis, walking into the warden's office and fatally shoots the warden six times.  He then sits down, releases John Coffey's swarm, and leaves, never to be heard from again.  A shocking revelation is then made about John Coffey and the event that led to his conviction.  It turns out that John Coffey is innocent, and that the true culprit was Wild Bill Wharton, who was at the time a hired hand at the Deterick house.  The deputy involved in the pursuit knew Wharton was guilty, but arrested Coffey because he was black.  At last, the day comes.

Misery's Final Post

Paul is in the process of writing Misery's Return for Annie. Normally Paul would average about 4 pages a day but since Paul was so into it and doesn't want Annie to be mad he averaged about 12 pages a day. One day Annie decides to go to her "Happy Place" and Paul got hungry, so he lifted himself in the wheelchair and went to the kitchen. While in the kitchen, Paul stuff himself with food and thought to himself he should keep a knife under the mattress if he wants to kill Annie because he really hates her guts. Annie came home and found out what Paul was up to and got mad at Paul and chops off one of his foot. In severe pain Paul knew he had to finish the book to keep his life. One day while Paul was writing he heard a car and saw it was a policemen but he knew the policemen could not hear him. While Annie was attending to the policemen outside, Paul threw an ashtray out the window; as soon as he did that Annie jabbed him in his face and murdered him by running him over with a lawnmower. Later that night, Annie ereased all evidence of the murder and placed Paul in the basement to continue writing. Paul cannot see in the dark but his eyes started to adapt to the darkness. In the room Paul saw the bbq pit, the item that Annie used to burn his biggest book "Fast Lane." It reminded him how much he hated Annie and how much he loved that book so Paul started to think of a plan. The plan was to show Annie how he felt when she burned the book. While Paul is still stuck in the basement other policemen came searching for the young policeman who Annie murdered. With no evidence the policemen left. Soon Annie's house became an attraction when news reporters came by her house but she was smart enough to scared them away with the gun she took when she murder the policeman. Paul was brought back to his room to celebrate with Annie for completing his book. Annie celebrate with giving him caviar and a cigar to start with. When Annie went out the room to get champage, she came back to see that Paul had the manuscript in one hand and a match on the other. She was so shocked she dropped the bottle of champagne on the floor. Paul lit the manuscript and immediately Annie ran to the bathroom to try to save the manuscript. When she did that Paul took the type writer and threw it on her back. She fainted for a bit but at the same momment the policemen was at Annie's house once again. Paul screamed with his life and the policemen rushed in the house to look for the screaming voice. Annie was not to be found anywhere and Paul was brought to a hospital to recover. Paul was asked to write his experiences but he couldn't and he got nightmares every night dreaming he was getting kill by Annie.

Jin, Kevin, Chelsea, Rene, Stella

Novel dicussion #4

So we left off when he fell into the well and and he didn't die because the well wasn't completly dry so it cushioned his fall. So when she heard him scream her name for help, she was terrified. He began to crawl up the well walls and grabbed her foot snd tried to drag her in with him. She finaly was able to kick his face to make him let go and fall. She stayed by the well for a little while and fell asleep. When she woke up she went to the house and tried to get some sleep but she couldn't because she was afraid that he would finaly make it all the way up to the well this time and kill her. So she put on some jeans and a sweater and went outside to check on him and when she did, she saw his head popping out of the well and she froze. He was scraping the board with his fingernails and he was almost all the way out when the board snapped and he fell all the way back down to the bottom of the well. She wanted make sure he was dead so she threw a big rock down on top of him and thats when he died. After she threw the rcok she fainted. When she woke up up she finally made her way to the house and took a long shower to wash out all her cuts on her leg. When she got out of the shower she fell into bed ad went right to sleep. When she woke up the next morning she had to figure out her game plan and what she was going to tell everyone about her husband. She told them that they got into a fight and he got drunk and left and didn't come back. She finally called the sheriff of the county and told him what happened and reported him missing. She finally called Salena and told her that her dad had been missing and it was starting to look serious so she came home. Selena asked her did she have anything to do with joes death she told her no but selena had this look in her eyes like she knew dolores was lying. Dolores conscience kept eating at her she kept having nightmares about joe. Well it goes on to say selena grew up and went off to school and was a writer they basically were estranged she would write dolores once a week but would only call her once a month. Little joe was politician and pete got killed in the military. So its just her and vera at the end of the novel vera ends up falling down the stairs because she is scared of the dust bunnies and she dies. The mailman comes and accuses dolores of doing it because he sees a rolling pin on the stairs. Dolores was going to finish her off because vera asked her too she was tired of seeing water coming out of the windows of the corvette. By the time dolores got back to the stairs vera was already dead. Then dolores gets a phonecall a man tells her she is beneficiary of veras estate which is worth thirty million dollars. She doesnt understand because she tells the man she has donald and helga whichis veras kids it should go to them . The man tells her you didn't know veras kids died in a car accident a year after her husband died. Dolores was shocked because this whole time vera has talked about them kept food for them in her house and has acted like they were supposed to come visit her on several different occasions but dolores said there was alwys something about veras eyes that should of told her she was lying everytime she talked about her kids. Dolores doesnt want to accept the money . At the end she just says shes lived her live and she was tired just like vera was dolores was 66 shes done her part and she is at peace with herself.Created by autumn,keeara,casey,josh

Essay 4 Ideas

On essay four, im going to expand from my essay three about stds. In my essay three i talked about how stds affected college students. Im going to expand and add more research to the essay.

Ashley Groves

Essay 4 ideas

This essay I may write about the idea of killing many for the good of a few. In Cell, the survivors killed several hundred of the "phoners" so that their small group could live. We see this alot in history, columbus, cortez, and in many other figures through out history. I say this now but I will probably wait and wait until the last minute and just "panic write", and extend my essay #2 and turn it in.

The Cell

Johnny, Clay, Tom, Jordan, and group of survivors.

We all cam the the conclusion that the ending was yet another bad one from the stephen king think tank. They survivors ended up killing the huge flock with a busload of dynamite and Clay finds his son. You never know if Clay's son ever gets back to normal or he gets worse. We all agree that it was a very incomplete story with alot of missing facts. It never tells you who started the pulse or why they did it. It was a good story but it could have been a great one had there been a better ending.

Daniel Vaughn
Ashley Groves
Raquel Rojas
Kim Watts/Pappe

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Essay four ideas

In essay four I'm going to expand essay three on alcoholism. In essay three I talked about alcoholism and a solution for alcoholism.In this next essay I'm going to talk about what causes alcoholism for instance depression is one of the causes.When people get depressed they turn to alcohol to cope with the depression but it only makes things worse. Now not only do they still have a depression problem but they have an alcoholism problem to. Also problems like divorce,lossof job,spousal abuse,loss of a relative those all cause alcoholism. But basically I'm going to be talking about how depression plays a big part in alcoholism today and ways to control it. If more people get help for depression or at least talked to someone about being depressed I think alcoholism would decrease. People dont realize there depressed and also people dont like to admit that they are. So ways to cope with this instead of getting professional help they turn to alcohol to deal with the problem.Which alcohol is a depressant so in the long run it makes things worse. Depression also runs in families which has an increased chance of using alcohol. Alcoholism can also be genetic so that increases your chances on being an alcoholic if it runs in your family.Both of my parents drank my mom and dad so im a drinker too. I dont depend on alcohol dont have to have it but I like drinking on different occasions. So the next essay will be based on the causes of alcoholism.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Essay 4 Blog Post

I have the idea to write an Essay as the problem/solution in the book Dolores Claiborne. I found the problem was abuse; mental, physical, and some sexual abuse that drove Dolores to kill her husband and that was her soultion. I feel that maybe i should just do a position and maybe go with agreeing with her, but I don't believe in having to murder him but then see what she went through, but there are more legal ways of getting out of it. So I may just go with the abuses as the problem and research those abuses and including cites from the book, and finding other solutions including the murder she had done and the ways of my solution and researching those. If there is any advice could someone help because I think this is what the essay is asking for so I just want to be on track.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Discussion 3 "The Green Mile"

This sections reflects on a part of Paul's life when he is older in a nursing home writing a book about his experience on E block. He and a friend there name Elaine who seem to be comforting him a bit, as well gives him the company he enjoys. As he is writing the book he starts to have bad dreams about Wharton or "Wild Bill" one of the inmates on E block, and decides to continue working the book. He then recalls the things that "Wild Bill" does while on E block. Paul recalled the time that John Coffey was able to heal his infection with just a touch. Paul then begins to wonder more and more about him. He decides to go and visit Burt Hammersmith wrote stories about John Coffey's case. He did believe that John was guilt and referred John to a his dog that attacked his son for no reason. Melinda, warden Moore's wife comes home and Paul and his wife visit them. Moore's is having a hard time with everything and is currently taking time off with her. As "Wild Bill" is causing a mess on E block it is getting close to Delacroix date with old sparky. He has to decide what to do with Mr. Jingles but before to much thought is but in it Percy kills Mr. Jingles.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Green Mile Discussion #4

At this point, we start to see primarily plot development.  Delacroix is sent out to the exercise ground to show off Mr. Jingles to "important people" as the E Block staff runs through the motions with Old Toot-toot.  On the eve of the execution, Delacroix and the E Block staff get down to negotiate the fate of Mr. Jingles, where they let out another white lie to leave Delacroix at peace.  When the colored spool rolls out of his cell, Percy takes his long sought opportunity and fatally crushes his rodent nemesis, leaving Mr. Jingles barely breathing.  At this point, King reveals Percy's tender age of 21, which further adds to his character development.  Percy, like any other at his age, has this innate sense of invincibility, pride, and superiority.  John Coffey sees the opportunity and does what he did with Paul Edgecomb's infection.  In the switch room, Percy is again set in his place as Paul and Brutal scare him into transferring out of Cold Mountain, with some help from Old Sparky, who, out of his own silent influence, amplifies the fear in Percy.  Finally, the witnesses file into the shack, and that only means one thing for Delacroix: game over.

Misery Post 4

He is writing Misery's Return for Annie. She proof reads it and decides she doesn't like it. She tells him to rewrite it and make it better. He is in the process of rewriting it.

Jin, Chelsea, Kevin, Rene, Stella

novel discussion #4

at this point in our novel dolores is on her way home from vera's with her glasses for her and her husaband to see the eclipse on her way home all sorts of thoughts are rushing through her head when she makes it home she is more friendlier than usual this striks her husband like 'what the hell is up with you' and actually says this but she subsides the the agurment by simply saying she has a surprise for him and that she just in a great mood. to start off her plan she buys him an expensive bottle of liquor which she gives once him and her are sitting ont he porch ad he instanly opens the bottle and turns it up so far her plan is going accordoingly. she mentions the glasses for the eclipse that vera donavan gave her he rejected and said he doesnt want anything that snutty bitch vera donavan gave them. he's a very arrogant/ignorant character as you should be able to tell. she was going to make them some nice food like vera was serving on the boat but of course he rejected that as well saying he dont wont all that fancy stuff when its just gone come out on the other end so dolores made him a sandwhich and she staes she mad e it to the best of her ability because that would be the last sandwhich he ever had . as time draws closer she mentions the money from the kids accoount his face insatnly drops and said he only did that because it would draw more money in one acount she was also angry that her name wasent on the account and she told him what she had planned once she found out he had been messing with selena he was like well good glad im two steps ahead of you so she told him that she showed the documents to the bank and since she had those that she could get the money out the account and that she did and that she had it stashed in a secret place this outraged him he started chocking her and all sorts of physical abuse but this was all in her tactic she told hm the money was in their backyard by the well sohe follows her back there and once she gets to the place where he was suppsoe to fall she jumps over it but by this time he was chasing her and fell in the place where he was suppose to in the well unfortunaltly this didnt kill him just yet because where we left off he was crawling up the wall!!!!!memebers keeara casey autmn and josh

The Cell novel droup 4

The crazy bible lady
Tom alice and clay left the hotel to go toms house to hide out and be safe. On the way they see two men fighting over a keg of beer. when they get to toms house alice finds a baby shoe that she keeps with her.

Raquel Rojas

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Dolores Claiborne #3 Blog Post

Picking up from #2 Blog Post, Dolores Claiborne is at a crossroads. She has just found out that her husband cleaned out the savings accounts and has no money to start over with the children in another town. She wants to live her life without Joe, but to make that happen now she has to be willing to get extreme and creative.

She starts planning. She decides to kill Joe in a way that will make people believe it was an accident. She has thought about the best time to do it (while everyone is away watching the eclipse), how to make his personality and temper fit into her story (getting him drunk and then basically pissing him off enough to chase her), and, finally, getting him to run into an abandoned well (complete with rotted wellcap ready to collapse under the slightest pressure) on their property. She didn't count on him taking so long to die. At one point, he is struggling to get out of the well and makes it to the top; Dolores crushes his skull with a rock and it is finally over.

In her own way, she may have felt remorse but it doesn't carry over too strongly in the story. Going to these measures to get her and her family out of a horrible situation shows the reader just how desperate Dolores had become. We see that Dolores and her employer Vera really have become kindred spirit at this point. It is Vera's voice Dolores hears when she's smashing Joe's skull in. Two characters who were presented so differently from one another in the beginning have now turned into an unlikely support system for eachother.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Green Mile Discussion 3

At this point, we see the entrance of "Wild Bill" Wharton into the Green Mile.  While in transport, Wharton appears calm.  But upon his entrance to the Green Mile, all hell breaks loose as he slips his chains over Dean's neck and chokes him.  This comes as a shock for the E Block guards because all other inmates have been so cooperative.  The presence of Wild Bill is proof enough that some people are simply too dangerous, even for Death Row, as he tries to take as many people to the grave with him for as long as he can.  It also reveals Percy's true colors when he blanks out from panic, compared to the merciless beating that he deals to Delacroix.  It even puts Paul Edgecomb   As time progresses, Wharton exhibits on/off periods of violent outbursts.  Considering the time period this takes place in, insanity is no contest to the justice system.

Novel discussion #3 on Dolores claiborne

Last time in our novel group we left off when dolores found out her husband took the money out of the bank account and the bank didn't notify her. She was so upset because she had planned on taking that money and leaving her husband. So she broke down and told Vera everything that happened and vera gave her hints on what to do to get rid of her husband to where she would get the money when he died.She wanted to make sure when she did get rid of him her kids weren't around.She had a well in her back yard so she was thinking if he accidently fell in the three neighbors wouldn't here him scream but then again they might so she decided she couldn't use the well as a way to kill him afterall.So it was either her going up to the top off the roof of the harborside hotel too watch the eclipse and come up with a plot or vera was chartering a ferry called the Island princess. She knew that she could get joe surely on the ferry by the free drinks. Her minister of her church said he needed two girl counselors so when school let out she sent selena on the trip. So now she just has the two boys she had to find a place for them to go. So they get joes sister to watch the boys.The social issue is she's in an abusive relationship her husband is fondling her daughter and shes poverty stricken so it makes it hard for her to get away. Her man goal is too get away and the only way to get away from him is kill him and get the money.

Misery Disscussion 3

After being forced to burn his manuscript which he had no other copies of, Annie finally give him somthing to eat, some soup. Paul imagines people finding his car and thinks about how people would start looking for him. She gives him a typewriter and forces him to write another Misery novel. The typewriter is missing the letter n. He tells her that he wants different paper and she asks him why she says it is the most expensive she says he is making up tricks not to start writing. She finally agrees to give him the paper he wants becuase he shows her the problems with the paper she gave him. She hits him in the knee before she leaves to get the paper. He gets out of the bed and starts using his wheelchair.When he writes there are no n's but she fills them in latter You begin to see more of just how crasy this lady is. Now that he is out of the bed there is more going on in the story and it becomes more interesting. Later on in this book some of the chapters start to be from the book he is writing within this book. Annie wants this to be the best book he has ever written and keeps asking him if what he is writing is his best work ever and he tries to make it really good.
Kevin, Chelsea, Jin, Stella, Rene

the cell novel group 3

characters- Allice, Mr Bakardi, Clay, Tom

short summary-They took shelter in the hotel, and there talking about what has happened, discussing world events.


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Gang Violence a Social Issue Today

Gang Violence a Social Issue Today

The topic I chose for my essay was gang violence because of the experience I have had personally with it. Today you see a lot of the violence in the news from overseas. There is so much more than the papers and news tell us. Just think if you go overseas alone and are there for any amount of time, you are an easy target. Your papers can be burned and you can be left for dead barely alive or even never found at all. When any family or friends start to look for you they are often too late. This is something I have experienced personally and made it out alive. When violence like this happens to you, things look totally different and your not as invincible as you think anymore. This topic is a topic that will be hard for me but I also look at it as a way of growing and healing from it as well.

The cell

The Cell

In the Cell our group found that even from the beginning Stephen King was very descriptive and gory. The Cell is all about people going mad from their cell phone. A cell phone call or signal makes the go mad. King introduced us to two main characters: Clay, a tall, good looking, level headed man along with Tom, a somewhat level headed, short, semi-bald and somewhat bitter man. The two main characters, Clay and Tom are opposites of each other but King seems to make them fit together like a glove and work with each other. Every now and then King will bring Tom, the lesser of the men to be a hero in small feats on their journey. They are accompanied by a small young girl named Alice on part of their journey which both of them men protect on occasion along the way.

In the readings we found that King gets very descriptive on odd occasions as when he goes into detail about a naked crazy man running down the street. King makes you wonder why he chooses some events over others to go into such details at the time. It can be in appropriate in the readings at time leaving you thinking what his point is, in that particular moment. Along with the reading of this novel we came to some conclusions as well. We started to see King as not empathetic towards his characters as they die off or are abused in some way. He also tends to make religion in the book portrayed by a babbling idiot in most cases. In this novel the religious person gets cold cocked in the face and what makes it worse it’s a woman that gets hit by the main character Clay. One thing we did totally agree on is how he makes you start to hate the bad characters just as much as he does in his novels.

essay 3

For essay 3 i was thinkin bout how people get laid off from there jobs. When people get laid off they have to get trained in something else becuase there field of work is going under. Well in order for them to get trained more money is dished out to get the classes in session which raises taxes, and costs of things. Its just a lose lose situation, didhing out more money to train them to do something else rather then let them do what they were already trained to do.