Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Essay 5

In this last essay, I would like to write about the protagonist character Paul Sheldon in the novel Misery written by Stephen King. I am going to talk about how he was able to endure the pain and torture that he endured during his time as a captive. I also want to focus on how he used he creative nature to help him deal with being a captive. I found that he even had a feeling sympathy for his captor by paying for her taxes on her house,Or how he felt when she gave her first encounter of a fake story and how she felt. I like how was able to chose to build his upper body strength when he knew there was no hope in his legs healing for him to be able to use them in order to get free. He took what he had left physically and mobile wise to help him move around in the house to find out more about Annie. I was particularly impressed with the measure he took in order to let the police officer know that he was being held in the house involuntarily. He knew that there could have been major consequences for his actions especially if it did not work. He had gotten to the point it was now or never. I was extremely impressed  when he ventured out into the house to get what he needed. Yes, he was after his medication but soon after these journeys became of survival escapades.This story helps a person understand how people survive terrible ordeals and make it through,It seems that you simply have to learn to adapt to your situation and make up in your mind that you will survive at all cost. Paul will never take for granted the things he took for granted before. This is something that will forever change his life and change him internally.I also like how Paul switched the control on Annie in the end by gaining her sympathy and burning his manuscript knowing that she would loose focus and that would give him the time to fight back.


Alyssa said...

Wow, sounds like you have your essay down and know what your doing. It actually made me interested in that story.

denverhuff said...

Misery is a good choice because that story was very intereseting. It is crazy to think that he would help her with her taxes after this woman has kidnapped him and broken his ankles. His escape was extremely suspenseful and seeminly impossible. It would be interesting to do the character analysis on the kidnapper but there seems to be a lot more to write about the kidnapped author. This story was very good and good luck on your analysis!

Meni said...

Paul Sheldon is absolutely a great choice! What an intelligent, resourceful character he is. Any normal person would have crumbled under that kind of torture. Somehow, he was still able to remain creative, and he kept a cool head while figuring a way out of captivity. Again, a wonderful choice!