Thursday, December 2, 2010

essay 5 ideas

i'm really not sure about who i'm going to write about for my essay 5 yet. still deciding from all of the stories but i really enjoyed a character from the green novel named john coffey. that story really caught me and turned me into the novel. at first i had just seen parts of the movie and thought it was a pretty good movie but after reading the novel i started to understand it. since i've read the novel i have been lookin for the movie to watch it all but have'nt had any luck so for my character i'm probably going to write about john coffey from the novel the green mile.

1 comment:

Jade said...

I really enjoyed the movie "The Green Mile" and I think that John Coffee would be a great character to write about. I think that what was being done to him after all he did for everyone else was sad and very disappointing. You should for sure right your paper on him.