Thursday, November 11, 2010

Essay 4 Ideas

For essay 4, I'm not one hundred percent sure on what I'm going to write about. There are so many different social issues in my novel choice, Misery, that would be good topics to write about. In the end of the novel, some of the issues I noticed were alcoholism, prescription drug addiction, and mental illnesses. I think I am going to write about mental illnesses and include examples from Misery. One of the main characters in this novel had issues and tortured another character throughout the course of the story. I could write about how there are mentally ill people in our world that are like this, and how it can affect anyone. This will be a position essay. I will also include research from the databases online. I will probably use EBSCO for this. I will research sociopaths and serial killers and include this into my essay as well. I am stuck on what to write about for the disagreements on this issue. I can't think of any disagreements for this issue right now, I guess I'll have to really try to think outside of the box. I will include how chemical imbalances of the brain, traumatic incidences in someone's childhood, social isolation, envy, or loathing of oneself could cause someone to develop a mental illness like the main character of my novel choice. I will also include how these types of people can get so violent and angry at the drop of a hat, and how they can get a thrill out of hurting others just like the main character of my novel did. I will also discuss what things may have helped the situation in the book and what could help people with these issues in real life. Medication is one thing that I feel could resolve or alleviate problems with this social issue. I will try my best to make sense to my audicence, and to do a good job at relating issues in my novel choice to real life. This essay will definitely take a lot of work.


Alyssa said...

Wow, I think that your essay wil be very interesting and I am anxiuos to read it. This sort of stuff is intense like mental ill people and how there life is and how they are driven to commit murder, crime, etc. So I think this is good...and you'll do well

denverhuff said...

This sounds like it will be a very interesting essay! Mental illness is a problem that people don't really talk about. A lot of people that are frustrated with mental illnesses can be very dangerous while the people around them may not even know something is wrong. Disagreements you could incorporate into your paper could have something to do with how homeless people are treated because most of them have mental illnesses that are not being treated, or you could research some inexpensive facilities for the mentally ill and see what they are cutting back on. The things they save money on could be detrimental to the health of the people there. Good luck on your essay! It sounds very interesting!