Monday, November 15, 2010

Essay 4

I think what I am going to do is to expand on my 3rd essay over teenage trafficking. I will try to find even more harsh cases over the mental, physical and emotional sides over this abuse. I know that there are TONS of examples over trafficking including stastics, reports and interviews, specials on big time channels, articles, etc. I know that I can make this essay even more intense and show parts of the King novel that I read, Misery, and the social issues involved. There are bits and pieces of the novel that show how Paul, the hostage in the novel, and how he is forced(almost like trafficking) to write a book for his capture, Annie. If he does not do as she demands, he gets punished severly, almost like a prostitute in a sense. This essay will be more in depth and more points of interest than essay 3.

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