Sunday, October 31, 2010

Dolores Claiborne #3 Blog Post

Picking up from #2 Blog Post, Dolores Claiborne is at a crossroads. She has just found out that her husband cleaned out the savings accounts and has no money to start over with the children in another town. She wants to live her life without Joe, but to make that happen now she has to be willing to get extreme and creative.

She starts planning. She decides to kill Joe in a way that will make people believe it was an accident. She has thought about the best time to do it (while everyone is away watching the eclipse), how to make his personality and temper fit into her story (getting him drunk and then basically pissing him off enough to chase her), and, finally, getting him to run into an abandoned well (complete with rotted wellcap ready to collapse under the slightest pressure) on their property. She didn't count on him taking so long to die. At one point, he is struggling to get out of the well and makes it to the top; Dolores crushes his skull with a rock and it is finally over.

In her own way, she may have felt remorse but it doesn't carry over too strongly in the story. Going to these measures to get her and her family out of a horrible situation shows the reader just how desperate Dolores had become. We see that Dolores and her employer Vera really have become kindred spirit at this point. It is Vera's voice Dolores hears when she's smashing Joe's skull in. Two characters who were presented so differently from one another in the beginning have now turned into an unlikely support system for eachother.

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

following along I agree that Dolores has been fed up with the life she had been living with Joe and all the things that led up to it such as his meaness and what hhe has done with theire daughter and taking her savings, etc. She drives him drunk after getting a hint from Vera how to kill her husband while everyone is away....Great post!