Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Patrick, B essay #3

On essay 3 I will be writing about a lot of different social issues and the causes and effects of them. One such social issue I will write about will be violence and its causes and effects on society. There are many reasons that people are violent towards each other. Someone might cut you off on the highway and give you the finger for you honking at them. That can definitely cause a violent act to occur. Someone might bump into you several times in a crowded place and not apologize for it. Some people become violent when this occurs. Some people become violent when someone looks at them wrong. These types of people have serious social issues and should not be allowed in public. There is a lot of different type of violence and the acts are carried out in a lot of different ways. You have those people that become so violent and angry that it causes them to take someone’s life. These are the type of people that society needs to be violent back at. Do you know what type of effect this has on people’s lives? To actually lose a loved one or someone you know and respect due to know reason at all. That has a serious effect on people in our society today. This is definitely a serious problem that definitely needs to be addressed. And I will be happy to be the one to bring it to everyone’s attention. I could go on for days about violence but I will save that for my paper. This is just one of the few social issues I will be writing about on Essay 3. I hope you enjoy...
posted by BryanP @ 4:13 PM 0 Comments

1 comment:

Gracie said...

Hi Patrick,
I'm from LA,CA., and back in the 70's it seems to me that that's when all of the road rage went public. It seemed that everytime you turned on the news, there was some sort of road rage, or someone going off.
I hope this paper works out for you, and you learn a lot about human nature. Maybe you can share some of your knowledge with both classes.
Have a good one,