Wednesday, October 31, 2007

essay #3

The pressure of living in society is higher then ever. If you look different, act different, and even talk different then the so called normal person, you will be made fun of. It is not right to judge people. If you judge a person, then you are a resist. In to day’s society you all most have to de perfect to fill like you are a normal person. Another thing in to day’s society is race. If you are the wrong color it is hard to get any benefits from the government. Look at the Mexican population all of them pore people come to America to have a better life, and all we do is tell them they are not good enough to be here. Who are we to say they can’t live here America we should not be acting this way. We all need to look after and tack care of each other. All people are equal and should be treated that way.

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