Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Causes and Effects in today's society

I personally think that there are a lot of pressures in today's society. Pressure to become successfull and look as the world would have you to look while doing so. Take the story the "The Last Runt on The Latter" for instance. Growing up the sister and the brother in this story were very close. She felt like he would always be there for her and protect her. Well they grew up. The pressures of his job and becoming successful took a toll on their relationship. He didn't have any time to visit his sister or even return any of her letters. The sister that he truely loved and was once so close to. That's how a lot of today's houses are. Everybody has work, school and lot's of other things going on and they tend to forget what's really important to them. In my story I will dicuss both cause and effect. Just maybe if her brother would have returned her letters or gave her a visit just maybe she would not have killed herself.

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