Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Essay 3

There are so many social issues in our society, one would think it easy to pick a topic to write about. As is the case with many students, I haven't a clue as to what I will write about. It isnt that I cant think of any, its actually quite the opposite, there are too many to pick from. Should I write about the Economy, human trafficing, gays in the military, drug trafficing, the rise of adolescent learning disorders, religious tention, muslims in our military, coal miners getting traped in a mine, the list is endless. So many interesting subjects, so few papers to talk about them in. Having been in the military myself, I am leaning toward the "don't ask don't tell policy" being removed. It is going to drastically change the dynamic of the military stucture. At any rate, I am actually looking forward to this paper.


Anonymous said...

These all seem like great topics, I wouldnt know what to choose from those either

kthompson said...

i agree totally with you here in the U.S.we have a great deal of social issues one dont know where to start. my advice to you is stick with something that hits close to home so you will be interested in it and write a meaningful paper