Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Essay 3 on Social Issues

For essay three we are suppose to write about a social problem and then come up with a solution for it. Well I don't know what social problem I'm writing about yet but there are alot of them out there. For example alcoholism is a major social problem. It not only affects the alcoholic but can affect their family members,coworkers and any other people that come into contact with them while there drinking. There are alot of drunk driving accidents and people getting killed everyday from it. Also layoffs and people being without jobs is another issue. Our economy is really bad right now I've been without a job since february when I got laid off. I've applied for alot of jobs but still haven't found one yet. With people being without job's that can lead to depression and suicide which are two more social issues. Depression is a really big social issue and not only adults suffer from it  but alot of teenagers suffer from it to. People don't know where to turn too and how to deal with it so they end up committing suicide. They also turn to alcohol and drug abuse. So with all being said there are alot of deaths from depression and from carwrecks due to alcoholism. Alcoholism and drug abuse can also lead to child abuse and spousal abuse. Then when a child is abused there more likely to grow up and be the abuser , having alcohol and drug problems or other underlying issues. I'ts like a vicious cycle. Like I said I really don't know what topic my next essay will be about but I'm excited about it and hoping to come up with a solution for the problem.

1 comment:

Racheal Chase said...

I think all of these topics you've brought up are great ideas. I've considered writing about all of these too. They are all big issues in our society today, and I think you could come up with a great essay with all of them. Good luck on your paper!