Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Misery Post Dos

Although Paul won the battle of slickking down medicine with soap scummed water, the war with Annie was far from over. Paul woke up with joy and happiness when he thought he was being treated in a hospital ward, that dream was immediately crushed when he realized it was just a dream. Annie was in the room when he was awoken. She seems mad and when Annie is mad, Annie does crazy things. Paul's heart started racing, thinking to himself what has he done. Little did Paul know, Annie's heart was crush because Misery Chastain died. Annie blamed Paul for her death. Annie said she had to go out and think. She lock the door of the room and ran off leaving Paul for fifty hours. Paul was thristy, hungry, and had alot of pain. He even thought of commiting suicide but he couldn't move because his legs were shatterd. After the fiftyith hour Annie return and as Paul would desribe it "Almost as pretty as Annie Wilkes would ever be." Paul begged for water and pills to relieve the pain. Annie quickly said he must first burn his manuscript. Paul refused many times before giving in. The reason he gave in is because he thought to himself, if he died of pain or being in a comma; she would burn it anyway. Therefore he chose to burn the book and continue his life one more day. Annie wanted Paul to brun the front page, back page, and 9 pairs of pages. Why 9? Annie said the number 9 is double the lucky and the number of power.

-Jin, Chelsea, Kevin, Rene, Stella

1 comment:

Racheal Chase said...

It was so crazy how Annie got so upset with Paul for killing off Misery in the book. She has issues!