Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Essay 3

There are so many social issues that face our generation today. Especially with the economy at a "low" like it has been for many years. Although it may be on the rise, the effects it has left behind are some that are difficult to get through alone, let alone without help or assistance. One of the effects has left people feeling stressed out to extremes that they do not know how to handle unless induced by drug abuse. It is clearly understandable to want to "get away" from the issues at hand; but in reality that is not the answer. Personal experience has driven me to write about drug abuse and its effects on a family. I hope to be able to express that drugs are not the easy way out and most often cause huge problems amongst families. I know that it has in mine. I have often been told that "my drug habit is not hurting anyone else but me" by my oldest sister. She just didn't want to listen. She didn't care. Her actions caused a major disability and almost her life. This has left our family caring not only for her needs, but for her children's needs as well. This is a serious issue. I am not sure there is a solution for for substance abuse. First off, the abuser has to recognize that they have a problem. I intend to look for ways to get the abuser to recognize their problem and help to find ways to not want to relapse.

1 comment:

autumns1982 said...

I definetely agree with you but if the substance abuser doesnt't realize they have a problem or doesn't want too change they wont. I have someone in my family that uses drugs and it affects everyone but he doesn't want to change. Sometimes I think jailtime is a good solution then rehab afterwards.