Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Essay 3

The social issue I have chosen is greed. The saying "money is the root of all evil" is not so far from the truth. If feel didn't feel the need to have more money then I think there would be less smaller social issues such as drug trafficing, prostitution, stealing, robery, and even murder. This is not just one issue it is almost all of them. The question is how do you make people not want more money. I think one way to solve this is to rid the country of all the "extra things". The solution to this problem is almost to make the country socialistic or a utopian society. This will be a difficult essay to write but I think it will be an interesting issue to write and even read about. This is not to say that I agree with a socialistic society. There is no real way to make the world completely "good" because you can't have good with out bad, peace with out war, or happiness with out sadness. They define each other.

1 comment:

J1N F7NG said...

I have nothing against what your essay but I have one thing to say though. The bible stated that "the LOVE of money is the root of all evil." Money itself is just a piece of paper. Good luck on your essay though.