Wednesday, February 16, 2011

thoughts on essay 2

In essay one I wrote about how technology is beneficial to society. And that enables us to mass communicate with whomever, whenever we want. For me this is a big factor in my world because I travel all around Galveston and Brazoria County for my job. If I wasn’t able to call people from my car I would be using more money, gas, time and I would be able to take care of as many people. The elderly do not realize the improvements technology has had on our world. So many of them think that cells phone are point-less, but what they done get is that phone I carry everywhere I go makes it easier for me to make their life easier. Researching more on my theory will only prove to me and who ever decides to read my essay that technology is really beneficial to us. Example I am typing this for class in class so I don’t have to use or waste a tree for paper. Recycle Reuses and Reduce right?!?


Gina said...

You travel all around Galveston and Brazoria County for your job, but we have employees that travel to Panama, Brazil, and Nigeria. And let me tell you we are so grateful to have the cellular technology that allows us to use our cell phone globally. Our employees are able to touch base with us and call us as soon as they get out of meetings while out of the country. Also, stated was that “The elderly do not realize the improvements technology has had on our world.” However, I think this is a false generalized statement. It may be that some elderly citizens do not realize technologic improvements, but I know that my grandma takes full advantage of technology improvements. I may have to teach her how to use some of the new technology out there but, once she learns what technology can do for her she is all about using it. 

sforsell said...

Your right, I also agree with u that the whole cell phone usage is great! I have alot of family that live in other states, and out of town. I use my cell phone to reach them constantly! If I did'nt, I probably would'nt ever get to speak to them. But, on the other hand I have mixed emotions about this because, I guess I feel that we all think that just talking is good enough and we don't ever make the time to see family because you can just call them. I also fell that if there was ever in the future some sort of power outage or premant signal loss, then what would you do if your so dependent on your cell phone? Some times it is also good to have or learn another source of communication besides cell phones and IM. I am just giving view points from both side. I do enjoy the cell phone also though. :)

AdrianaA said...

I agree with the a lot of advances about technology, because every minute, are saving lives, time. Technology are moving fast in this era. I have an example, I bought a scooter, but the seat is big, so I looked through internet and I found the perfect seat for my size! from Australia, I ordered, and they shipped, the technology is fast!..