Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Essay 2

Without technology our lives would be so complicated. I am completely certain that everyone uses technology in some kind of form in a daily basis. Most people start their morning with alarm clocks or alarms on their cell phones to start off their day. We need our vehicles to transport from place to place. Luckily if we didn’t even have a vehicle we have buses, taxis, subways, trains, planes, and many more different technologies that function as transportation. Most jobs function with time clock’s to check in and out of work and we need computers to work most jobs. Schools cannot work without computers; something almost every instructor needs to organize their work, calendar, do grading, and email, basically to communicate with fellow coworkers and students. In the medical field technology seems to be the most important of all. Many cures would not have been found if it wasn’t for our technology being improving all the time. Living without a vehicle, cell phone, electricity, computer, and many other functional things would be worst disaster. At the same time some things would probably be a lot better without. Texting or dialing while driving has been a huge issue making car accident rates go up. In my essay 2 I am going to elaborate on how technology is a necessity to function in our everyday lives.


askabla said...

couldn't agree more! Our everyday lives depend on technology, even the littlest thing as waking up in the morning. Our society has work hour, and if it weren't for technology would be there on time? That is just a tiny example, we need technology.

KristiLynn said...

The tech you're describing here, though, is what keeps people from getting to know one another and form smaller communities. When you think about where you grew up, do you think "The US" or do you think "Some-tiny-ville, Tx"? The smaller the community, the better people get to know one another. Schools COULD function without computers; they do it all the time. Granted, the schools would have to be smaller, but doesn't that mean a degree would actually mean more?

Camden Jones said...

I agree about the general idea, a lot of people in this day and age probably couldn't get by without the existence of modern technology. However, we have been able to survive without it in the worst of times and I doubt that the lack of technology would be a huge disaster instead of a major inconvenience.

CRivard said...

Most of us do use technology and it makes our lives so much easier and we totally take advantage of it. You are exactly right! I do think KristiLynn brought up some strong points for the opposing view of your paper though. I grew up in that "some-tiny-ville" TX where there was very little technology in our schools. It is very possible to function without today's technology. Though, we are all so used to it now it would be hard to give it up.