Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Ideas on essay #2

My position on essay one was that technology in healthcare is beneifical. I chose this viewpoint for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, advancements in healthcare have helped save countless lives and have made many strides in the process of diagnosis. From MRI machines to cat scans, technology has opened up many doors for the ill that might not have been there without it. However in essay #2 I need to take into consideration that it is not all rainbows and blueberries with the advancements with technology. There are indeed some down sides to this topic. The first being that if we rely too much on machines to help people survive, what would happen if the area near the hospital had a major blackout? We would be left helpless and confused. I think that thought alone is enough to know that we cannot always depend on technology for our well being. Another downside is the point of technolgy is unemplyment due to advancements in technology. This can hurt the ecnomy and leave many people out of a job. Well that was my views and opposing ideas so far.

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