I took a stance on technology being beneficial to our society. I still stand by that opinion and have chosen the Hybrid technology being used in some of our vehicles today as my example. I see this technology as a way for our society to help slow down the problems that we created in the past and still are creating today with global warming. We have so much global warming happening right now we sentenced ourselves to a slow death. Global warming can never be 100 percent fixed however there are ways to help reduce global warming such as driving hybrid cars instead of traditional vehicles.
Furthermore, the oil dependency that the United States faces is a growing problem. We have built our lives on a non-renewable resource that will run out one day. Even though that day may be several years away we need to perfect the technology now to find a way out of the hole we have put ourselves in. Several thousand years from now we will not be here, but our descendants will be faced with the mess that we have left for them.
A form of hybrid vehicles have been around for numerous years, however hybrids are just now becoming more common to drive. Our communities need to take advantage of this amazing technology that allows us to more earth friendly. One vehicle at a time being changed from an original gas guzzler to a more sensible hybrid is the way to a brighter future. Lastly, hybrid cars are a tiny step to benefiting our society, but anything we can do to get a positive change going is a step in the right direction for the future generations.
I'm glad you brought up fossil fuel dependency. It is a big issue. nice post
You're right, it is a big issue and it needs to be fixed. Hybrid cars would be a small step to bettering our enviroment though.
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