Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Essay 1

I go both ways with this technology question I agree in some situations ya, it is better to have a way to call for help or assist people in their lives but at the same time I think mankind is setting itself up for a huge fall. When that happens all the little things people take for granted are gonna be missed severely. Now in my paper I wrote that I am for it and that’s because I had to pick a side and honestly, I just thought that it would be easier to write about technology being good. All the things technology has helped with generally has benefited mankind, and I say generally because there’s a lot of things that has been created that helps destroy life as well. But some of the things like the health system for instance has greatly benefitted from all the new technology. MRIs, cat scans, EKGs all machines used to help cure illnesses and diseases and to help further our knowledge about the human body. Law enforcement is another thing that has benefitted greatly thanks to technology we can keep track of rapists, child molesters, and people on parole, all people that we don’t want our kids around. Another thing is construction, just think about how hard it would have been to build the Empire state building without cranes, welders, and elevators. Speaking of elevators how many people use those every day…

1 comment:

martin said...

you have a good point yuo can go either way so is up to us what to choose and u made good points