Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"Come here, Watson, I want you"

Who invented the telephone is an arguable and twisted history lesson. Whether it was Alexander Graham Bell or Elisha Gray I would like to say a heartfelt and resounding thank you.
I am a people person, extroverted to the extreme. I love to talk and to listen, to exchange thoughts, laughs, ideas, experiences and emotions. Constantly. This was the basis of my first essay, communication and how technology has broadened that ability to unimagined heights.
The very concept of this assignment is something that would not have been in existence were it not for all of the rapid advances in technology. Really, blogging? Years ago that was a ridiculous concept.
I am quick to extole all of the virtues of technology and the beneficial role it has played in my life and in my opinion everyone else's life as well, but I do look forward to exploring the opposition as well and see how some could feel we are worse because of it.
Also, my first essay was so strongly just a editiorial and I am glad that I will have a chance to do more research and present some factual basis for why I feel the way I feel.


augustkelsea said...
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augustkelsea said...

I think its great that you are such and extroverted people person. People like you are fun to be around. I think you should use that to your advantage when writing your essay and don't be afraid to tell us what you really think. :]

JRios said...

I agree with your stand point on technology.