Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Essay 2

For essay 2, I am planning on expanding my thoughts on how transportation is beneficial to America. I would like to further detail on the history of transportation and its benefits for the every day person. I may even focus my topic on a more narrow subject, but I have not decided yet. If I do, I would probably write about airplanes. I am excited to be incorporating research into my essay and hope it turns out good!


Kathyrne said...

That is a very beneficial technology! Going all the way back to the beginning of vehicles might make it a very long essay. :)

Racheal Chase said...

The history of transportation would be a great topic to write about for this essay! The technology that's involved in transportation is very beneficial to everyone. Good luck on your paper!

lyndsey said...

Good idea! I'm going to expand my thoughts on how beneficial technology in the transportation field is as well.

Ashley said...

I was going to write about how transportation is beneficial but i chose cell phones, airplanes are very benificial even though ive never been on one.