Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Essay 2 Ideas

In my next essay, I'm going elaborate more on my first essay and elaborate more on my ideas I discussed in the first. I am going to show how being without technology can harm us and why it is so beneficial towards us more than detremental although it can be harmful to our society. I want to elaborate more on medicine and tests that doctors can run now, and how technology is saving more lives. I am also going to go back on some Stephen King stories I have read and put more examples into my essay from those. I'm hoping to learn a little bit more once I research a lot of this technology.


Alyssa said...

I am looking forward to review your essay, not to correct it but to educate myself in what you have researched. It's interesting and I don't know much about medical, well unless it has to do with my sons and husband and myself but I think it will be well written.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a very interesting topic! I think that it is a great idea to be adding examples from the Stephen King stories. I look forward to reading your essay and good luck!

denverhuff said...

Thats a good topic for why technology is beneficial! A good example of how the medical feild has been advanced because of technology is the vaccines we now have. Good luck on your essay!