Monday, April 11, 2011

Essay 4 Scramble

As of right now, my only idea for essay 4 would be to either extend on my second essay or to write about one man starting a dictatorship like in the book that we're reading in class. The only problen with extending on my first essay is I've already used most of my ideas in the paper already. I might consider broadening the topic of Gambling in Texas to Gambling worldwide to fit more information into the essay. On the other hand, Under the Dome has a good conflict of a man who tries to take an entire town over a time of crisis. I'm pretty sure most of the people can relate to the subject, but its alot to fit in a six page paper. I'm to indecisive and haven't made up my mind on what to write about. It just seems so much easier to write one page rather than six.


kreid said...

a six page paper is DEFINATLY too long, in my opinion. When I need to say something, I normally do it very quickly and to the point. Trying to expand my words on one specific topic is very hard. I don't know if I will be able to even make it to the 6 page mark, guess we'll find out!

Camden Jones said...

I'm betting there's plenty of sources to work with involving the rising of particular dictators. Plus you have Under The Dome, which is a very long book. Just brainstorm a bit more on it and you'll be able to find enough material to squeeze into a 6 page essay.