Monday, March 28, 2011

Under The Dome 3

1) New Characters: Joe Boxer and Sam Verdreaux

2)Barbie and Julia go out to the edge of the dome and watch Cox try to pour acid onto the Dome to try to make a hole for people to get out of. The Dome just eats up the acid, according to the scientists. Not long afterwords, a meteor shower starts. The meteor shower looks like pink stars falling because of pollution. Big Jim gets onto Carter and his friends about raping Sammy Bushey, and then afterwords plans the riot of the grocery store. The young inexperienced officers stationed there are ineffective at quieting the crowd, and Sam, on orders from Junior, throws a rock at Georgia. That incident officially starts the riot, with the mob breaking into the grocery store and fighting with each other in order to get some food. Barbie arrives at the scene, and with Rose's help, he manages to calm down the rioters until Chief Randall shows up and re-incites the riot. Brenda goes to confront Big Jim about the Meth lab and other stuff, and leaves the information with Andrea Ginnell beore leaving to confront Big Jim. Things didn't go as she planned, however, when he kills her. Joe and his two friends are going around the town with the geiger counter, trying to find the cause of the dome. They find it, and they head back to tell Rusty. Barbie gets arrested for the supposed murders of Dodee Sanders, Angie, Lester Cogburn, and Brenda Perkings. Then Big Jim sets fire to the Democrat. Afterwords, Andy tries to kill himself after he finds out that Dodee is dead. Big Jim sends some people to go get some generators for the town. Sammy Bushey leaves the hospital and goes around the town for a little bit and comes back and kills Georgia and Frank before killing herself.

3) Suicide, Government setting up riots to gain power, drug abuse, stealing, mob mentality

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