Monday, November 1, 2010

Misery Post 4

He is writing Misery's Return for Annie. She proof reads it and decides she doesn't like it. She tells him to rewrite it and make it better. He is in the process of rewriting it.

Jin, Chelsea, Kevin, Rene, Stella


slim said...

Annie is definetly a serial killer. How she has been able to get awayt with so many murders is beyond me. Now she is just torturing paul and cutting away at his body as she pleases.

Jade said...

I have to agree that Annie is definitely a serial killer. This lady is so crazy! I was hoping that she would have to suffer in the end liek she made everyone elese that crossed her path but unfortunatly that didn't happen. Poor Paul really did try to please her as much as he could. I guess you could say he really won in the end.

Jade said...
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Racheal Chase said...

I really enjoyed the last part of the book. It's too bad that Annie didn't suffer in the end for all that she did.

stellaescobedo56 said...

Annie one crazy lady and Paul did try to please her but Annie got what she deserved at the end. Paul never gonna forget the crazy lady and the torture she did to him. He learned a lesson though