Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Misery #4

At this point in the book, Paul was very careful to choose his words because he never knew when Annie would snap on him about anything. Paul was still being tortured by Annie up until this point because she had cut off his thumb and his left leg from the knee down. She fixed him a birthday cake and placed his thumb on it as a candle and gave it to him to eat, although he did not eat it. Annie was always being teased by the kids that are her neighbors because they know that she's physco. Paul was more focused and conscience of writing the novel because he knew he was almost to the end of it. There was a new character involved, a cop, who was very sharp and well dressed. He went to Annie's house looking for Paul because they had found his car and Annie kills the cop. Paul has a calendar in his room and is keeping track of everything, still fighting to escape. Anna T., Brittany J., Katelyn R., Leticia D.


Nevada said...

The horrific events that Annie brings forth in the novel most definitely bring out King's reputation with gruesome writing. Paul does become a bit more edgy around Annie as the plot rises to the finality of the novel that Paul is writing.

Jennifer Lee said...

I was really surprised when Annie cut off Paul's ankle. I have seen the movie and it did not happen that way. I can not imagine being held prisoner like that, especially when you are dealing with someone as crazy as Annie. Smiling the wrong way could send her on a amputation rampage! She had no problem stabbing the cop over and over and then running over his head with her lawnmower. If she had to stab him in self defense that's one thing, then one may see being able to muster up the courage. She then chopped up his body with an axe just as she did her first husband. She is a sick lady! I am glad that Paul survives this horrible thing, I just wish he came out of it with all his limbs.