Monday, March 21, 2011

Essay 3

I have, unfortunately, not looked at my syllabus for class until today, so I'm about a week and a half behind (spring brake wasn't quite long enough). Due to that, and a combination of procrastination and lack of time, I haven't exactly come up with an idea for this essay...haha whoops. I've been tossing a few ideas around, but I'm leaning toward one in particular. Since I'm reading The Green Mile, I figured I'd go with the death penalty. It's still a major moral and social issue today - not the electric chair being cruel and unusual; just the death penalty in general - and I'll have the book as a source to tie into my paper and make it longer, which always helps. The only problem, however, is a solution to the problem...Individual states still control the right - independently, that is - to enforce the death penalty or ban it. Due to the moral stand still on the issue, and the ongoing power struggle between governmental powers (and rights) on a state versus a federal level, a nationwide solution has failed to come about. Well, that about sums up my idea, or lack thereof. Any ideas or suggestions are encouraged and more than welcome. Thanks

1 comment:

KristiLynn said...

What, exactly, is the social issue concerning the death penalty? Is the problem that it exists at all? Or is it that it's not efficient enough? Or maybe that it's cruel, or not standardized, etc? I think you're being a little too broad, so you're going to be overwhelmed. You gotta narrow it down to what you're going to claim the problem is, and then it's a lot easier to tackle. Especially in a time crunch. =p