Monday, October 11, 2010

Misery Post 1

The main characters of Misery are Paul Sheldon, and Annie Wilkes. At the beginning of the book Paul has gotten into a car accident, and Annie has rescued him. She has forced him to remain in her back bedroom as a prisoner. She has tortured him by giving him scum water, deprived him of medication, and punched his broken legs; whenever she doesn't like what he has said or his new book. All Paul has been thinking about is how to get out, how to escape. He has been careful about what he says, so he won't get Annie into one of her "moods". The social issues are celebrity stalking and imprisonment.
- By Chelsea, Jin, Stella


slim said...

This story is a trip. I thought I saw a lady the other day that reminded me of annie in the DPS office the other day. I hope you guys are enjoying reading this the way that I am.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Annie sounds like she has some "problems." I can definitely believe that Paul probably wants to get out, wouldn't you? Sounds interesting and I might even read it some day.

Racheal Chase said...

Paul has to be very careful not to make Annie mad. He does have to watch everything he says. I feel bad for him.

J1N F7NG said...

Slim, I am laughing my butt off my bones. What ran through your mind when you saw her?

Apearson2, If I was Paul. I would of broke my own neck then then to live with Annie 1 more second of my life.