Monday, November 12, 2007

zach's ideas on essay 4

I believe that the death penalty should not be enforced. First, I do not believe anyone is beyond redemption. Second, I belive that the death penalty is emoral. Finally, the death penalty expresses that revenge is justified.
I believe that no one is beyond redemption. I think that everyone deserves a second chance. Poeple should not be killed because of there mistakes. Gandi said that "a eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind". I do not believe that killing someone is in anyway justice. If a someone is found guilty of murder they are treated like the scums of the earth. Not that Im saying that we should be all lovy dovy with them. But when we go and kill the killer what does that make us. We killed a person. The person might of been a criminal but either way if you kill someone you are a murderer. It just doesnt make any sense. If someone kills someone they are condemed but if we kill the killer we are rewarded. that dosent make sense. I believe that are propally a couple of good people on death row. People whbo are truely sorry for their crimes. Im not trying to say that i think they shouldnt be punished, but i think killing them is a way to extreme. Life is precious and i do not think any human being has the right to take it away from someone.
I belive that the death penalty is emoral. I think emoral is a understatement. I think it is disgusting. It makes savages out of people. People say that murders deserve the death penalty because they killed out of cold blood. Do we not do the same when we execute them? Its not like the "executioner" is against what hes doing. The excecutioner probally thinks what he is doing is right and probally thinks the person desreves to die. The electric chair is especially emoral. Sending electricty through someones body till the die. Thats horrible.
Finally, I think that the death penalty jutifies revenge. It makes it a legal way for the familys of the murderers victim to seek revenge for there family member. People think that if the killer is killed justice is served. But what of the mother, child, family of the killer. Why could anyone put that pain on another family, when they knew how much it hurt.

I do not beleive the death penalty is justified. it is emoral and it makes people think that revenge is justified. No one deserves to die and no one is beyond redemption.


jessicabenson said...

I am not for the death penalty either. I also think it is immoral. You have a really good start on your paper!! Good luck! I can't wait for peer review

Gracie said...

Hey Zac,
You make a good point. But I happen to believe in the Death Penalty in some cases, not all. Why should the victims family support the very scum that raped and killed their daughter? That's an injustice as well. I only believe in the Death Penalty for serial killers, and the like. I realize there are people on Death Row that shouldn't be there. Our justice system needs to be looked at and changed in so many ways. But who runs the system? Politics. And we all suspect certain politicians for "padding their pockets", and not giving a hoot for anything or anyone.
But you really did give a good blog! Apologies for the late reply.